Welsh Werewolf

I saw The Greenhornes twelve years ago. Two local bands opened and got a lot more audience response. Frustrated, the frontman for The Greenhornes took off all his pants and either jumped or fell off the stage on his side. He lay there a little while with his buttocks exposed, but if he was still mooning everyone on

No need, unless all of a sudden it hurts like heck to take out one of your contacts but not the other.


Except for "The Village Idiot," that Merry Christmas album is really good.

Nah, that was the best part.

I felt at home when I went to Seattle and there was a whole section in shop after shop for The Wailers, not the reggae group.

Great picks. Incidentally, The Greenhornes live were… unique.

Sounds like we had a similar teenagerdom.

Even on a budget, I bought those up as soon as they came out. Good thing, too, because the best volume went out of print right away.

I've often wished there were more in the vein of "Don't Look Back." They'd be legends even if they'd never done anything else.

Gracious, no. Different shows in different time zones.

I wanted to see Robbers on High Street open for them once, but it was a stupid stadium show, and I never could get a straight answer whether Robbers on High Street even were playing that date.

How was Buffalo Tom that night?

They were the same one.

My mind is blown four people here can tolerate Spin Doctors. I know one person in real life who does, but he lives clear across the country.

They opened for Sleater-Kinney at a bar here twelve years ago. It exceeded all expectations.

I always mix up The Fray with The Calling. They are different, right?

That's awesome.

I shall enjoy the song more now. Thank you.

"Shame" and "Save Yourself" did all right, too.