Welsh Werewolf

Daisy Chain Reaction is their best, against stiff competition.

Man, Dexys Midnight Runners were so much better before 1978.

There goes the assertion their recent stuff has been pretty unanimously praised. Although "pretty unanimously" is like "somewhat pregnant."

I am sitting here raging about "I Love Onions." Grr!

Four years beforehand, huh?

I spent years wondering what the heck L-N-O-G was supposed to spell.

Which is funny, because I grew up thinking Neruda had written "New Age Girl."

You, sir, have won.

I was thinking I dislike "Ain't No Rest for the Wicked" more than "New Age Girl," and now I'm thinking I dislike "What It's Like" more than "Ain't No Rest for the Wicked." Race to the bottom!

Sad to learn that's actually real.

That long?


Oh, Lord. Not just The Eagles, but now Bon Jovi too?

Wait a sec. Is someone seriously arguing "Baby, It's Cold Outside" is a Christmas song?

That video is just like my life.

I'm grateful never to have heard any version of this song.

You should be a defense attorney if you aren't already.

In fairness, few DJs have any say in what they play.

Obviously? Maybe if your grandmother is as bad as New Kids on the Block.