Welsh Werewolf

Asuka wins. Thanks for playing, everyone else.

I'm not sure I've heard this song since leaving the South. Thank God.

My understanding is he wrote it to show them the worst he was capable of and was horrified they liked it. I have a hard time holding it against him. The best satire is doomed to be taken seriously.

Last winter
I gave you head
You were
Unworthy of head
This winter
I will give head
To somebody who is worthy

I think this is the first time I've ever appreciated anything to do with… him.

A couple of mailmen just asked me what I was cracking up about. That's sort of hard to explain without context!

Pretty sure I have that by Amy Winehouse.

Even if baby voice weren't a war crime, her lyrics sure as hell are.

Clearly, she was trying to make you sick.

Since the original is the worst hit song of all time, I can only imagine she set several records.

It's always yesterday here.

Thank God Madonna learnt her lesson and was never tacky again.

Only The Blues Magoos truly understood this song.

They nailed "Black Hole Sun," though.

Unless you are my friend Charles, you are not the only one.

My top five, since I doubt my top ten would get the time of day:

I own over 70 Pearl Jam CDs, and Ten never has been among them.

Also, bonus points for bringing up "Sad."

[raises both hands]

It bears repeating: "I'm forever near a stereo saying, 'What the fuck is this garbage?' And the answer is always the Red Hot Chili Peppers."
―Nick Cave