Not embarrassing if you enjoyed Our Lady Peace.
Not embarrassing if you enjoyed Our Lady Peace.
I saw The Posies by accident because I was in town and just wanted to see the bassist for their opening act. Heck, hardly anybody attended the first Jet show in America on account of Jet; they had an incredible opener.
Is this really that rare? I've done it at least a hundred times, probably two or three hundred.
Weird to read. I had a hunch "Turn the Page" would be on here, but I always hated the live version. I finally heard the studio version and understood what the fuss was about. It is far superior.
"Mambo No. 5" from 1950 is actually pretty good.
Was this before or after Kudos were granola bars?
I'd never heard of it until today.
You are my hero for today.
Matthew Good Band.
It wasn't even in the movie.
Harsh. And 100% valid.
I never get the point of a HateSong where the interviewee actually likes the song. Or wants to dance to Jamiroquai. Ugh.
It certainly turned off a lot of casual fans, yes.
It's better if you sing it as "Swedish Chef."
Which is bizarre, as high as it charted.
Ditto if you don't count the new stuff.
Some bands are a lot better live than on the radio. Stroke 9 was not one of those bands.
Right, because diehard fans hated Adore or something.
You might like him in Homefront, too.