Welsh Werewolf

The story behind "No Sugar Tonight" is great.

I spent a year thinking he wanted to buy the world a token.

I can't decide whether I admire Sheryl Crow or Lance Armstrong less.

I was all set to defend The Runaways.  Dammit.

I can passionately hate them just fine, thank you.

I have a friend who insists no one is allowed to dislike "Save Tonight" because either his father or music teacher "raised him on it."  He has absolutely no sense of humor about this.

I read a review at the time about its "exhilarating" chorus.  My head still hurts.

I love you, whoever you are.

"Home" is the sound of incest.

This is the best comment in a long time.

So, Semisonic.

Just when I was about to give up on the comments section here.  Thank you for restoring my faith!

Please regale us with an equally necessary article about 14 non-hits that show SR-71 is better than we think.

Probably the only song for which I never got the appeal until I saw the video.

Stories from the City, Stories from the Sea is her best album because it ends with "We Float," her best song.  Pretty simple.

I love you, whoever you are.

It's actually "Hanging by a Nosehair."

The only reason I can stand "Love Shack" is that I saw a local news crew do it at celebrity karaoke about ten years ago, and the whole time, the anchor and the cameraman were staring daggers at the girl who volunteered them to do it as she crouched down to avoid eye contact.  My heart went out to them as they sang

I got mad the first time I heard it because I thought someone was ripping off Nirvana.  I also misheard it as "hesitation, elevator."

Oh my God.  "Her placenta falls to the floor" really is the lyric.