Welsh Werewolf

I've never been so happy to feel redundant.

And yet the Steve & Eydie cover is pure delight.

Montresor is always worth bonus points.

I thought it was "a rose in a distant life," but the sentiment of the song still stinks.

I doubt you're entirely serious, but I'd vote for you anyway.

Butter 08 > Stereotype A

Citizen Christy wins forever.

"Closing Time" is about birthing a baby, thus the whole "I know who I want to take me home" thing.  Isn't that sweet?

That was mean.

If you go back and look, he almost blew it on his last spin.

He could only pass to the player with the next highest amount of money.

I'm curious:  if all their albums are a few good hits and filler, what's supposed to be the filler on this one?

I saw Sprung Monkey in Europe.  It was, at the time, the most unfortunate set I'd ever seen.

Hey, Jesus *was* Batman.

"Say what you will about Barker, but he was the consummate showman and impeccably classy."

Her backing vocals for Cracker ought to redeem her, in a just world.  But yes, that song sucks.

The original ending is less bittersweet and more ahhh.

I was way too young when I watched that originally and hated, hated, hated it.

I somehow completely missed Twenty-Two until a friend kept referencing it to me.  I think we watched it together, and wow, no way had I seen that one before.  I attempted a little tribute but never got through the editing process.