

The Hobbit will be shot with 3D RED cameras
It will look awesome

Eh, plenty of SNL alums have had successful careers

Ya, I totally agree. The amount of hate the whole stunt got from the start completely baffled me. I mean, isn't this at least more interesting and unique and funny and ambitious than 99% of the constant torrent of mediocre pop culture people on this site always complain about?

Quietly the MVP of vintage SNL
I've been catching up with the first five seasons of SNL lately and, seriously, Aykroyd was far and away the most talented cast member of the bunch. It's a shame he hasn't been put to better use since. What was the last quality Aykroyd thing? Grosse Pointe Blank?

I can't figure Wahlberg out
At first blush, he seems oblivious and douchey and wholly unlikable in every way. But still he has to be self-aware to a point, because he's been legitimately terrific playing hilarious idiots in four or five movies

Like eating a spoonful of Drano


Best Halftime Show
They'll never top Prince and his giant guitar cock in the rain

Six solid paragraphs and not a single mention of Don "Darren Nichols" McKellar?!
For shame, VanDerWerff

I think people love him because of all his funny faces

I wonder what percentage of interviewees lie about what comes up

The Wire? Yeah, it was pretty good

Ya, seriously. They especially blew it with Drew Brees (6th most influential man of 2010!), because he's been sucking pretty hard this season

Norelco Girl is great!

New Zealand…

Ya, I was just logging in to say that - it's tremendous

Well, if you don't want to be spoiled, avoid the HBO On Demand featurette entitled "Making Mullets"

If you were running for mayor, he'd vote for you