
All my favorite Altman films are nobody elses favorites
I loooove this one, Popeye and 3 Women

Fun fact - Robert Altman is buried under that hill thing in the centerfield if Minute Maid Ballpark

Flirting With Disaster
Wish you woulda asked him about this because I think it's one of the best films of the past 20 years and also because David O Russell is known for being kind of a cock

You Lando
This movie looks unwatchable

Everybody Knows Exotica stinks
The only thing worthwhile about it is Don McKellar's mane of chest hair

The readership here has pretty good taste, overall, Nathan Rabin
I don't think most folks ragged on the list Tobias made out of some deep-seeded (deep-seated?) love for everyman Adam Sandler. To me, it just felt like a real flimsy idea to hang a feature on and more preaching to the choir than anything else. You guys

Withnail & I
If you go on holiday with Richard Griffiths, you WILL be sexually accosted, so you might as well be drunk

Even his superficial raps
is super-official

The gold standard for me is Elvis Costello performing while Hank curses at him from the desk

Old Spice Guy kind of reminds me of Johnson from Peep Show
When's Johnson from Peep Show gonna get some Hollywood love?

You know what the real tragedy is here?
Jonah Hill's probably having sex on an attractive woman as I type this

The Presidents of the United States cover
is way better, anyway

They're both rip-offs of The Meaning of Life, anyway

I think he looks okay for a guy pushing 50; much less weird than most boyish-looking men at that age

I had a tremendous boner this morning

The new Arcade Fire album
is, by far, the worst Arcade Fire album

I seriously love that, once upon a time, enough Fox executives talked themselves into the notion that a tv show starring The Lone Gunmen would be successful

Albert Brooks Movies
The four film run of Real Life, Modern Romance, Lost In America and Defending Your Life is just about perfect. I wonder why he's so seemingly unappreciated, historically

This list is one of the most insanely idiotic things, ever
At no point in your rambling, incoherent inventory were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having read it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul

To be honest, Murray, I didn't even mean it as an insult to the movie or the people who like it. I just meant that all films with budgets over $150 million released in the summer are first and foremost trying to sell themselves to teenagers, not adults