
You're right, Zodiac Motherfucker, it was also made for adults who act and think like teenage males

"made for adults"
nope, it was made for teenage males

I haven't seen many Iranian films, but I did just see Offside which is the opposite of boringly depressed or depressingly boring - chock full of humanity

Congratulations, you almost made me google "Haley Joel Osment masturbating"

How quickly did this guy turn from mildly amusing sidekick on an okay sitcom to total and complete asshole?

Liv Tyler and William Hurt really is a serious downgrade from Sam Elliott and Jennifer Connelly

I was also in the camp that Ang Lee's Hulk was an underrated gem, but then I sat down and watched it again last year and, nope, it's terrible. A noble failure, maybe, but it just doesn't work. What was even going on in that last fight with Nick Nolte?

* pretend to be a "rapper"

Ragging on Phoenix
He didn't pretend to be an actor to make a two hour inside joke; he did it to make a funny movie! Why does everyone hate him for doing this!?

Uh, yeah, it's pretty much a dead heat between Mona Lisa and The Long Good Friday. Hook does not factor into the equation when discussing Bob Hoskin's best performance

I'm back, baby!

Inception looks like it might be a little too silly - hope I'm wrong
Does anyone else have a hard time buying Joseph Gordon Levitt, Leonardo DiCaprio and Ellen Page as adults?

Gilliam recorded a great commentary for this movie
And in it he says De Niro was exhausting to work with because he was so nervous and self-conscious appearing in such a small role

I love that Gilliam made back-to-back films with endings that are ostensibly happy; even though one closes on the main character's parents blown to bits and the other ends with main character completely losing his mind

Ya, it's tricky. I remember being a little thrown when Elisabeth Shue played a fictional character on Curb Your Enthusiasm last season. I guess she really hasn't done a whole lot recently, but people still probably know who she is. Didn't Larry David see Hamlet 2?

Cop movies were ruined for me by Robocop

Courage the Cowardly Dog blows them all away

I liked Blueberry Nights a lot. She kind of jokes about things seeming more poetic with subtitles, but that's more true than I think most film fans wanna admit. Especially with a guy like Wong Kar-Wai, because I mean who watches his movies to listen to his characters talk, anyway? My Blueberry Nights is a great case…

The Hours?
They should call it The Weeks!

These read like Al Swearengen quotes
Oksana, you hoople-headed cocksucker…