
oh man, nobody's mentioned JAWS, yet

@Commodore - pretty harsh to dismiss a movie entirely because of one lame line but, yeah, that's an awful, awful moment

Once Ray Fiennes enters the movie, it's pretty much all gravy from there

They need to be seen as one piece and I find them kinda sorta shallow and not as fun on repeat viewings, but I think I get where Todd's coming from. The glorious character arc of The Bride in Kill Bill is what ultimately makes the ending tie together so well. She has to become this killing machine and dispatch Bill

Yeah, I think you're just describing inconsiderate, know-it-all assholes

Because generation x now controls the world media and thus 80s pop cultural nostalgia is more topical than ever before

Career WAR for the five leads
ADAM SANDLER 35.8 in 10,091 plate appearances

The truth is The Name of the Rose was merely a blip on an otherwise uninterrupted downward trajectory

At least three of those five guys are totally dead inside, tho

It is painfully obvious that he only drinks as much as he does because that's what all his heroes did

It's easily Colbert - most of the other correspondents are just doing warmed-over versions of his shtick, anyway

I don't really think this very excellent column is true to its name because, no, most of these films probably don't have what you'd traditionally call a cult following. Outside of stuff like THE ROOM, it's more a collection of interesting modern movies which at least half the AV Club readership have never seen / heard

Futurama seasons 1-4 > Simpsons seasons 4-7?
In terms of just making me laugh and laugh and laugh again, I say yes

Sir, all these quote threads, it's an emergency!

For a show that was almost perfect all throughout its run, tho, those DVD movies sure sucked pretty hard

Nice review, I might read this ruckus
One thing I always liked about Hitchens (and this is true of many militant atheists) is that he's got a very warmly humanistic side to him and he's at his best when putting things in more optimistic perspectives. For such an eloquent mind, though, he can be awfully buffoonish

One thing I never understood about the jarheads in Futurama - how they could preserve the heads of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson and the like if those guys had already been long dead and disintegrated before the preserving of heads in jars became feasible?

Released just in time
to ride the macgruber gravy train all the way to the bank

Nah, it's Dead Man

The highlight of Coffee and Cigarettes is Coogan/Molina and it's not even close