
I can never tell if he's a good actor or not, but he has starred in six or seven really quality movies this past decade. Uh, but Crazy Heart wasn't one of them

Feh! Sarah Polley is one of Canada's greatest gifts to us

But can Danny McBride's character from Pineapple Express get a spinoff movie, too?

I've been thinking about tracking that show down, but i have a feeling I'll be disappointed. Probably better off just burning through the run of Larry Sanders for the umpteenth time

I think every performance in the Americanized one is slightly better than the original

Ya, exactly, it's the feeling that you're just watching the whole thing through the director's eyes

Love Haneke
but he preaches from on high in every one of his films, not just Funny Games. You're right in saying Cache is his most accessible, but even that movie is making a pretty condescendingly didactic point about how we're all responsible for the sins of our fathers. He is a great filmmaker, though

Actually, that girl who was naked all the time also made The Limits of Control somewhat worth watching

It makes no sense that The Hurt Locker didn't get a bigger release/marketing push. For all the lame and tired ruminations about the toll war takes on individuals, you've still got about half a movie's worth of four or five legitimately pulse-pounding, edge-of-your seat suspense set pieces to bank on. 14 year old boys

Joe Jackson: Great Father?
Or… The Greatest Father?

I do not look forward to the day when I get a letter in the mail saying I owe Naughty America several billion dollars

Ya, because when I think art in cinema, I think The Hurt Locker

Now, PeerBlock
You must prove your worth

Oh, shit!

Considering how many "famous" people there are today, I propose from now on we call it The Rule of Five or Six

Ah, Del Monte! Enjoy them Betty White, for they shall be your last…

Lawrence of my labia
There are so, so many things to hate about Sex and the City, but I think the worst are their constant painfully obvious attempts to try and lodge a bad pun or turn of phrase into the cultural conscience

Ya, Doyle's my favorite right now, too. He's the only thing that made The Limits of Control worth watching

i like armond sometimes, but he wrote a pretty lame "review" of sex and the city 2 where all he talks about is alicia keys for seven paragraphs

Pretty much 85% of everything
but right now it's sex and the city 2