

I've never seen Bela Tarr's, but Polanski's Macbeth is probably my favorite straight Shakespeare adaptation

You pussy

Or, if they REALLY wanted attention, a posthumous award to Pol Pot or Mao

On the other hand, it's always a little depressing when they hand these lifetime achievement deals out. "Your cultural relevance evaporated decades ago and you're going to die soon. Have an award."

Love Tina Fey, but as head writer of SNL she presided over some of the lamest seasons that show ever had, and that's saying something

Billy Crystal is irritating but, at the very least, Throw Momma From The Train makes me not hate him

"Greyson Chance"
I love that we've reached a point where this isn't even an absurd name, anymore

I don't really understand why people even think things like this anymore when you're always 2 seconds away from seeing an attractive 19 year old girl do anything you could ever imagine to her body. Who cares about Jennifer Garner casually mentioning masturbation in some lame movie?

Well, first of all, technology is such now that we can make profitable films which depict destruction on that kind of a scale. But I dunno, according to AV Club science correspondents, it seems like half of these are at least feasible. I mean that asteroid guy has me a little worried, for sure

I'm calling right now - 11/11/11 is going to be a truly awesome party. It falls on a friday night and people are going to just flip out and we're all getting laid, guaranteed

Agreed, but on the other hand, a good filmmaker might manage to do something really special with it. Naked Lunch and Tristram Shandy were classic, inherently unadaptable novels turned into way cool movies because there was a singular vision steering the boat, so who knows

This movie was incredibly bland and i've completely forgotten everything about it
But can we all at least agree that this new louis ck show on fx is gonna rock the casbah?

The real question is if we ever have to send a manned mission to the sun to reignite it or some such shit, who should step in as the Delory Lindo-esque token black guy all too willing to sacrifice himself for the greater good?

Edward G Robinson's death in that movie is the saddest fucking thing, ever

Don McKellar's Last Night
it's never explained what causes the apocalypse in this movie, but I just wanted to name check it because it's one of my all-time favorites

Jafar Panahi
If the jury's thinking about Panahi, wouldn't they be most inclined to give the Palme D'or to Kiarostami?

Lizzy Caplan in her underpants
I would never be able to rebuff her hot tub advances

Although, yeah, if flippin NewsRadio is worthy of a hundred-something entries, why not Larry Sanders

I love Larry Sanders like no other, but retroactively writing it up here doesn't make much sense. I mean I guess the comments could be fun and nostalgia-filled but, honestly, there are already way too many shows being covered with zero thematic depth or overarching stories or character development. It just turns into