Daniel O-Connell

Ice-T has now been a series regular on Law and Order for longer than he was a relevant musician. Just saying.

That's not entirely true. I live in Chile and there are some good series that get made here as well. I've never seen a good Latin American comedy, but Los Archivos del Cardenal and Los Ochenta,  both series set during the dictatorship, are good. Los Ochenta was produced by Andres Wood, who made Machuca and Violet. It

He also has a very memorable turn in Le Fantome de la Liberte.

Also very cool in the Big Blue. Reno's one of those actors who makes everything a little bit better. Like Paul Rudd.

In 2000 Tony Blair sent British troops into Sierra Leone. The SAS was involved in an operation to free hostages and while they were returning they bumped into a team of journalists from the BBC. The journalists asked them who they were and the men, covering their faces, shouted "Hereford Walking Club, mate. Out for a

It is a truth universally acknowledged that the music reviewers at the AV Club have fucking terrible taste in music. Weirdly their movie reviews are spot on, but their music reviews are almost always wrong.

You're missing David Niven and Dirk Bogarde. I've never read either of their novels, but I have heard that the Niven books, which included some autobiography, are surprisingly good. Dirk Bogarde wrote six novels.

"People often tell me I haven't written anything as good as Catch 22 since. I'm always tempted to ask 'Well who has?'" — Joseph Heller

She moved to London for five years in 2005 and started doing theatre.

That was my Dad's plan but, take it from me, you have to have pretty good timing or it just won't work.

I suspect I Still Believe works best after a few beers, but I also use it as an ear-worm to get rid of songs I don't like. Watch the youtube of the Wembley performance and it will stay in your head all day.

No you aren't. You're paying to read your e-mail, download movies and music and watch porn. If your bill went up $2 a month to pay for the cost of keeping the Washington Post and LA Times in business you'd be furious.

Many, if not most, newspapers deserve to die and will. The survivors will be the ones that are good enough to make people care about them, or the ones that are sordid enough to make you want to read them or specific enough to cater to a loyal niche that can generate ad revenue. But very few will be able to afford to

Maybe they had a menage a trois with Kim Deal.

I'm a news reporter, so I am going to weigh in.

@ Michael from the Block

I had totally forgotten about Buffalo Tom. I listened the fuck out of Taillights Fade, oh, 20 years ago.

Sorry, I did think about re-editing my post with a spoiler warning but then I thought that the target audience for this would all know the story going in.

Violeta Parra is still one of the most important figures in Chilean popular culture and Latin American music. Her songs have been covered and covered again and again - a bit like Bob Dylan if he had been a depressive who killed himself before going electric.

I saw Catherine Wheel, Belly, Kingmaker, Frank & Walters and others in Finsbury Park in 1993.