Daniel O-Connell

There are some great suggestions on here, but I'm genuinely surprised by the lack of love for Rory Gallagher. It's straight-up, unpretentious blues-rock, but few people have ever done it better. Gallagher deserves a much higher position in the pantheon IMO.

Ironically, Helena Bonhma Carter's great-grandfather Herbert Asquith, was the arch-enemy of the suffragettes.

Short version is Rod Stewart totally ripped off that riff from Jorge Ben. It's not one of Jorge Ben's best, not even the best song on that album. I think they settled out of court in the end. My memory is that all Stewart's royalties from the song to charity.

You mean the one by Jorge Ben Jor?

Incest was a problem, but the rapanui today don't intermarry. The community prohibits them from forming relationships with other rapanui. Given that they are among the most beautiful people on earth, this is an added benefit of a visit to Easter Island.

…unless the director was Japanese, didn't speak English and was working with English actors for the first time.

I saw him with Helen Mirren in Antony and Cleo, which was surprisingly limp given the cast.

I wasn't attacking her. I think Neneh Cherry's great, my point was that she's a more important musician than you would know from the records in her own name. She's collaborated with lots of amazing people apart from Youssou n'Dour. She's also a good DJ too.

She hasn't done much since the eighties, but she has had a huge influence on UK music from behind the scenes. She and her husband Cameron McVey were involved in sponsoring and producing Massive Attack and Portishead.

May I suggest Lucho Gatica's version of Moliendo Cafe. I love this. It's a standard, but I find this cover very evocative.

``Those opening bars on Rid of Me where the bass is rattling the snare? Then how it blows up and fucks you up? Fuck yes.''You are absolutely correct, Sir. I've never got as much into the post-Rid of Me Harvey as I was her earlier incarnation. 16-year-old me listened to Dry and Rid of Me obsessively.

I had 50 Foot Queenie on at full blast in the car on the way to work today. It got me thinking how old I am. That song must be 20 years old (still rocks though). It didn't help that Tricky was on next.

When I was 13 we called Mp3s "cassettes"

I haven't read the book but I can't think of many people better suited to directing an exploration of female sensuality and women's bodies with a bit of bondage thrown in. Sounds right up her alley.

On the other hand she is Sam Taylor-Wood, one of the coolest women in the known universe so there's nothing creepy about it at all. It's no more creepy than if it were Tilda Swinton, Kim Gordon or Helen Mirren.

Hitler: So what to do you call this again?

He has been a leading contender in the past but has given interviews saying he doesn't want it.

He's been being brilliant in little seen roles for a long time (I'm old enough to remember him in Chancer). He's managed to avoid ever being a romantic leading man actor despite having the chops for it. I suspect that's because it doesn't really interest him. He has done romantic comedy, but his strength is good guys

It's like a big tide of jam, but jam made of old ladies. Enjoy: