Daniel O-Connell

I also loved Therapy? Wonderstuff and Catherine Wheel were also fantastic.

1992: My Bloody Valentine, Dinosaur Jr., Blur and Jesus and Mary Chain

Jesus and Mary Chain is a great band. Honey's Dead is one of the best albums of that era.

Kill! Your! …Television!

Justine Frischman gets extra points cos she lived with M.I.A at the time.

I aw a Lush gig where they were having terrible technical problems, the amps kept shutting down and there were long breaks while they were getting set up again.

@avclub-e57f718840a576abbb40a7d046c4e3b0:disqus  I grew up in a rural community and I'm willing to bet the figure is near 0%. Animals are big, heavy and difficult to control.  Besides, because there's little public transport most parties end in sleepovers and there's lots of booze and drugs in the countryside, so it's

This is my favourite Radiohead cover. It's straightforward but beautiful.

I first saw Radiohead in 1994 at the Reading festival. Like most of the people I spoke to I was under the impression that Radiohead were a bit shit because Pablo Honey had come out and only had one great track. We thought they were a mediocre stadium-pop band.

It's pretty easy to coin new ones, so people do. If you leave on the rhyme if makes it easier to work out but a lot of the newer ones are references to athletes or famous people who are no longer famous, like Ruby Murray (curry) and Jimmy Riddle (piddle).

Genius! It might be worth getting the DVD just for the commentary track.

I loved the Sweeney. It's a grittier version of Streets of San Francisco.

Heaney for the win! I first came upon that Heaney poem at Moran's Oyster Cottage on the edge of Galway Bay.

And here is the government's ham-fisted response

His accent is near perfect, but in the film his character has lived in Mexico so it doesn't matter that much. I saw it in Chile and no one commented on the accent.


The one in the movie is identical. They reproduced the original footage. In some cases though, the guys in the adverts are shown playing themselves and you can see that in some shots they are 20 years older.

You're kind of both right. The true economic success story started under democracy but the foundations for it were laid under Pinochet, who himself knew very little about economics and just let the technocrats get on with it. Having said that a lot of Chile's problems today are legacies of Pinochet. And anyone who

Same as Greek.

She's grown up, go married and filed for divorce in the time it took Bob Saget to get around to saying ``we sat next to each other on a train".