
My favorite Ryan scene:

Yeah, I think they made the right decision with the casting choices.  Especially because if Odenkirk had gotten The Office, he probably wouldn't be a certain sleazy lawyer in ABQ from 2008-present.

Yeah, the prison sequence was nice to watch but as far as realism goes, it stretches credibility almost as much as the plane crash.

Yeah, the prison sequence was nice to watch but as far as realism goes, it stretches credibility almost as much as the plane crash.

Really hope Mike doesn't regret letting Lydia live.

Really hope Mike doesn't regret letting Lydia live.

That ain't no "semiautomatic", hon.  That's a full-fledged M60.  Now THAT is a machine gun.  Unlike M-16's, AR-15's, which idiots in the media keep referring to as machine guns.

That ain't no "semiautomatic", hon.  That's a full-fledged M60.  Now THAT is a machine gun.  Unlike M-16's, AR-15's, which idiots in the media keep referring to as machine guns.

Pam's boobs in the Lip Dub should vault this episode to an A.  Can't believe no one commented on that.

This was awesome.  You just won the internet.  

I find a realistic and emotionally powerful depiction of men at their best and worst more interesting than a pretty standard "rom com."

Disagree.  SIL is alright, but SPR is a fucking masterpiece from beginning to end.  The opening 20 minutes gets most of the credit, but the rest of the movie does as good as job as any in developing a brilliant story with characters you actually care about.  And I don't know what you are smoking if you think the story

Only partially relevant, but while we are remembering how god awful Crash was, we must also not forget the travesty that was Shakespeare in Love winning Best Picture over Saving Private Ryan.  Worst. Pick. Ever.

"I know many of you take issue with Donna’s tough grading-on-a-curve
policy with this show, but she’s a professor in a university honors
program, so that’s just how she rolls."

That was awesome! 
U.S. drug dealers > Mexican Cartel. 

Hank FTW!  That last scene was amazing.  One of the best of the series. 

And after they played video games, he screwed her brains out. 

"susceptible folks in rural areas where the ozone layer’s already thin due to the cow farms."  Wow, if there is a douchier comment from a New Yorker or East Coaster, I haven't heard it.  

" I felt like Walter, Jesse, and Gus were haunting the edges of a
self-consciously ordinary drama where wives get hysterical, sisters
restrain them, cops contemplate vigilante justice, and doctors relent
when someone challenges their bureaucratic definitions of "immediate

I really hope they don't go down the Hank-killing route.  The cousins killing the cop is already stretching credulity as it is.  The cop called for backup and said there was a murder.  Do you now think there would be a manhunt out for a cop killer?  Even if we don't know who killed them.