
"Can we just keep it secular, honey."   Ah, the stupidity of the liberal PC police in one sentence.  Brilliant.

Saw the air traffic control thing coming as soon as I spotted the badge on his hip.

Yeah, not sorry Jane croaked.  Has there ever been a character who went from likable to detestable that fast?  She was a Grade A c—t.  The way she went from the whole Daddy's Little Girl character to stone cold at the drop of a hat.  Face it, she was going to choke on her vomit one way or another.

You've obviously never had three double shots of tequila in 5 minutes.

Um, no.  Having more than one dimension to your personality does not make you a fraud.  It makes you human.  Alot of people in jobs like Hank's are great at what they do but also have feelings of anxiety and self-doubt at times.

I can't remember which episode it was, but the one where he couldn't visit his relative in Argentina because the Shoah Foundation protested his visa was also hilarious.

The scene at the end of Halloween was one of my favorite from the show.  Michael was feeling at his worst, but the sight of the enthusiastic kids at his door managed to brighten his day a little.  Brilliant scene.

Yeah, I know tons of city cops, and none of them are like Alonzo.  Just regular guys and gals doing the best they can in a crappy environment working with a hostile populace.

No, you are right.  AV Club reviewers have a bad habit of letting their political bias bleed into reviews.

Honestly, this article just reminds me how fortunate we are to live in the U.S.  Considering similar statements would (and have) gotten people killed in most countries at one time or another in their histories. 

One of my favorite moments was from "Moroccan Christmas"

It's the AV Club, most of the staff are white guilt liberals.

Yeah, Danny is a good mentor. She calls out the BS. Loved the scene where she discovers Tina has taken out her vest and replaced it with her lipstick.

And Adrien Brody.

Just getting rolling with the reviews and you are borderline trolling by giving The Dundies a "B".  Just stop with the silly grades.  The Dundies is easily one of the best episodes of the entire series.

"Who at the time would have guessed that, all these years later, Gingrich
would be the one who now still looked the most like a menace?"

"Nothing…we had coffee."  And so launched the greatest TV series in history.  RIP Mr. Gandolfini.  And thank you for your support of our nation's veterans.

Or Clark and Pete.

Eh, much smarter than Judd.  Would have run circles around her pretty little head.  And I'm sure one of his aides would have told him the line.

No, it's called your mind.