Mr. Greene

You shouldn't have to wonder why; the man had fucking TALENT. (Emphasis, sadly, on "had".)

…Felicia Day is old. And supports dickwolves. :-(

Google and Wikipedia are quite handy-dandy, you know. So is knowing that he got his start by sending a demo to the fucking Beatles, who signed him onto Apple because of it. They didn't do that for fucking everybody, you know.

Is it wrong to like the recording he did of "Carolina in the Mind" with the Beatles on his debut album more than the later, slower re-recording he did that most everyone knows? :-S

Isn't it amazing, a man like him?

You must be Shia LaBeouf, then; he, too, hates that song.

…now I have to smile, myself! :-D

*Charlie Chaplin sits down next to Marion Cotillard, starts eating beans*

And that's why I hate Harvey Weinstein. May Tarantino one day wise up and take his lips up off his sponsor's hairy man-teat.

Ha! I love that story! :-D

…I thought you meant Barber's Adagio for Strings. Crapola. My mistake; I'm the fucking putz, here. Sorry.

I'd rather you leave it.

*cues up montage of Professor X & Magneto riding horses to "Horse with No Name"*

And share it with your friends.

The music is actually from John Murphy's score for Sunshine. You fucking putz.

Even the one where she played a horrific-looking "Korean" doctor?

Well… as it turns out… you probably need to cut an episode or two and hand the writing to somebody else.

Oh, Pudd'n!

Because our reviewer added "Dyess-" to his name like the pretentious SOB he is.

We don't know when…

We don't know how

But we know something's starting
Riiiight noooow… :-D