Mr. Greene

Continuity Nod/Bonus! :-D

I think you're thinking of orthochromatic black-and-white film, which in the early 1910s or so forced Stan Laurel to wear LOTS and LOTS of eyeliner to make his eyes stand out; the orthochromatic film read light blue as white, which made him look like a blind man.

Be seeing you!

…are you Phil Sandifer? :-o

To be fair… one can also compare how the various Classic Who directors treat the Daleks, Cybermen, Yeti, etc… and, of course, Dougie Camfield and Graham Harper stick out more than most with regards to high quality.

You see? YOU SEE?!?


(Note: I am not actually going to kill Josh Modell; I'm just very, very pissed at his shitty, shitty action.)


Let's also celebrate the Slate-esque new site coding that's visibly ruined The A.V. Club.

….I thought "lads and lasses" was a Savile verbal staple? No?

"jump down me throat too bad, lads and lasses."

*points* It's Jimmy Savile! GET HIM!!!

Say! Let's look at what TARDIS Eruditorum has written about "Rose"! :-D

Fair enough.

I was sort of hoping David Bradley would sound more like Hartnell. His voice is still very gruff; Hartnell had a tenor thing going on…

Shouldn't that be "sang"? ;-)

Hey, Mercedes on the tracks was pretty good! Especially when General Orlov finally gets what's coming to him…

James Hawes? The name is familiar… didn't he do some Doctor Who episodes?

If you like.

Shut up, you fuckface. I had a black Lab for almost 12 years (we had to put her down in March), and I can safely say that she was the kindest, sweetest, quietest, meekest, gentlest, most loving dog I'll probably ever have.

But tell us, what are your feelings on Jon Voight?