Mr. Greene

What about tasteful brownface? Surely that can be more dignified than yellowface?

Fair enough. Just felt kind of weird, with Ashbrook in particular.

Dammit, indeed, sir.


Never *get* over Macho Grande, sir.

Was a bit weird to see Daphne Ashbrook and Yee Jee Tso being treated like consulting experts, though…

We know not yet if Clara can be incarnated in inanimate objects… for all we know, she may have been the sonic screwdriver that went kablooey in "The Eleventh Hour", as well.

Eccleston certainly has a Doctor-y face, though, don't you think?

Actually, I've heard that one might be next in the recovery pipeline; one never knows until they say it… ;-)

Zygon Harry with a pitchfork… Ian Marter at his most frightening (well, until he started writing novelizations…).

Because I don't think Deborah Watling would be anywhere near as computer-savvy as Wendy Padbury.

Why didn't it surprise you? I'm not surprised, myself, but I'm curious as to why you weren't, either…

I'm rather dismayed at the long-term fan reaction (and, indeed, even the publicity jaunt) of hyping Web of Fear over Enemy of the World; let's hope that fades down, somewhat, over time. :-(

Isn't it technically the Wild Wild France, though?

To be fair, the logic behind that also preserved the rest of the serial until its recovery — not to mention that a number of the home-recorded audio tracks are of surprisingly better quality than their telerecorded counterparts…

"I still will watch I think out of respect and love for a doctor who"

Did you mean that to be a pun? ;-)

Ohhhh, you'd better believe that's a paddlin'!

It really is, isn't it? :-D

Or maybe the baby is Clara!

*Jason Sudeikis does the Running Man in a track suit*

Or vice versa, which might actually have been nice to see.