Army of Asshole Scorpions

Watching this episode brings back so many memories. I am basically Ben incarnate. My roommates have wrestled me to get me to explain my passive aggressive feelings before. The Dwyer method works 100%

You probably read them in Danny Devito's voice like I did (I'm loling too)

I used to play that game on XBLA with my friend all the time. I have no fucking clue why they decided to reference that since it is so old but I'm glad they did. Brought back lots of great memories

I first heard of Hope Sandoval because she did vocals on a Vetiver song that I really liked. lol @ my generation

Don't forget Chop Kick Panda

for realz

Not only did he do that, but once Rick's wife got there they went through the same conversation again. zzZZZZZZzzzz

Too much drama, not enough action. I always feel like the dramatic scenes are being phoned in. I just don't buy their reactions. The high school scene at the end was intense although too short and reminded me why I still watch this show. C+ bitches

I liked that too because I had Tolbert on my team last year and I won several games due to his goal line vulturing

I like the ongoing gag throughout the whole series that Andre's attempts at being hip and failing usually consist of just doing black people things

it really just makes Pete look like a creepy guy

That was my favorite part. I wish I could see it again

The Bird with the Crystal Plumage was one of my favorites back when I was really into the Italian horror scene. I've been meaning to see Deep Red… I have no problem with violence, but I feel like most of the Italian horror and thrillers have very bad plotting, which really takes me out of the movie. It's a shame too,

I remember seeing a preview for an episode of South Park a while back where it mentioned Lemmiwinks and then it never aired. I thought I dreamt it or something

I'd give it a B-. Loved seeing Lemmiwinks, but it was a pretty stupid reason to bring him back

I always thought that the more they tried to explain the mythos, the shittier it got. The first movie was good because it had an original premise but managed to balance the story with some pretty amazing (for their) time action scenes. I think of the sequels as bloated and lacking that sense of mystery. The less we

It's been leaked for over a month.. I've been listening to it pretty frequently and I love the quality of the songwriting. It makes for great driving music. I can definitely see myself listening to this for years to come. The thing I like about Real Estate is that, of all the indie 'beach rock' (or whatever stupid

we all know you weren't kidding O'Neal

First 25 minutes or so was no interruptions, but they more than made up for it after the first break

the beginning scene where he is on the walkie-talkie had me cracking up. I know it was supposed to be dramatic, but I can just imagine what happened off-screen, like him just wandering off and going to a rooftop to be more dramatic and having everyone wait on him until he's done before they can head out. and goddamn