Army of Asshole Scorpions

I could never get into Sonic Youth, and just recently got into Pavement. I'm terrible

@avclub-9ff7c9eb9d37f434db778f59178012da:disqus  clearly you have never had Whataburger


Watch a major network show like CSI and it becomes apparent that there is still a huge difference in talent or at least creative freedom behind the camera (CSI is very lacking in both aspects). The one thing I wish every show/movie would stop doing is having a slow-motion shot where the frame rate actually slows down

the new Feist album is pretty good too actually. I don't see how liking one means you can't like the other

yea fuck those commercials where they say "MAN UP and drink a REAL light beer" like it's still fucking light beer. in Texas at least Ziegenbock is the same price as most light beers and it is almost identical to Shiner Bock. not top-tier beer but it actually has some flavor to it

I will never understand the backwards-ass machismo logic where somehow you're more manly for drinking shitty beer out of a plastic cup than for drinking a real beer out of a glass shaped to bring out the most flavor from said beer. Why do people have unwarranted pride over the stupidest fucking things?!

I never liked smoking indoors - it always irritated my eyes and you smelled even worse from it. But yea my habit really exploded when I lived in the dorms and was taking study aids frequently. I would end up chain smoking in the garage with my buddies and moved up to buying cartons pretty quick. I started to embrace

Really? I can definitely hear the similarities in the guitar playing. It's all over the place and has a similar tone, but that's about it. Cap'n Jazz's vocals are terrible though holy shit how can anyone actually listen to them for more than a few seconds is beyond me

The Black Keys are one of the few popular bands out right now that I can actually respect musically. You can tell that they've done their homework when it comes to the blues and that motown soul vibe

13th Floor Elevators are pretty closely linked with the whole psychedelia in music thing, and they only put out 2 albums if I remember correctly

Right on. ex-smoker here - I used to buy the tall red Pall Malls, they cost the same as the normal-sized ones but you got extra nicotine so it was a steal, and they were dirt cheap yet went really well with coffee

First thing that came to mind was the whole album "Layla and Other Assorted Love Songs" by Derek & the Dominos. At the time, Clapton was madly in love with but couldn't be with Pattie Boyd, and the whole album was really written as a statement to her. Fast forward to the 80s and not only did he end up marrying her,

eh at least you can see episodes from the golden era. the fox station in Austin only shows episodes from like season 15 or later. so yea, please get this into syndication already

get 'Sweet Child' by Pentangle or his solo album 'It Don't Bother Me'.. those are my personal favorites. as I posted below, his collaboration 'Bert and John' with the other Pentangle guitarist John Renbourn is very good too

this really hit me hard when I found out. he was a huge influence on my playing and I have nothing but the utmost respect for him. Pentangle's Sweet Child and his album "Bert and John" with John Renbourn are staples in my listening collection. everyone owes it to themselves to check out some of his music - it's

Beware is such a good album! His songs really come across better with some old-timey instrumentation. I just bought Wolfroy on Amazon, haven't been able to listen to it yet due to Real Estate and Feist's new albums, but sparse instrumentation almost always guarantees a lesser album by him based on his past output

this album is so fucking good. I've been listening to it for close to a week now and the quality of the songwriting just blows me away. I did not expect it to be so consistently great. Every song stands out as its own statement, instantly unique and recognizable. The melodies are good enough to where I want to put the

go watch all of the Professor Brothers shorts right now! I actually didn't know how this was going to translate to cable tv since his cartoons have tons of swearing but I have to say, it was still pretty fucking awesome. made me wanna go fliff all night long

oh man Twin Peaks had so many relationship sub-plots (some good, some Evelyn Marsh). I feel like James had most of them, but my favorite will always be Andy trying to win over Lucy