
Rehab did all kinds of amazing shit for me but it definitely did not stop me from doing drugs. So, you're not alone.

Holy crap, haven't disagreed so strongly with a review here in a long ass time.

I heard Nabin did some uncredited punch up work on that one.

Should be present tense.

I loved the ending.

Bell? Holy shit I'm deaf

Well, supposedly. We still haven't seen Mike do shit. Just all buildup so far.

The effects wear off at different times, same as most other drugs (amp high is gone but you're still stimmed, for example. Or the heroin has worn off but you still can't take a shit for another 8 hours, etc.). After all the psychedelia wanes, you've still got some residual stimulation going on. LSD gets down with just

My man, I was in a similar boat about four months ago coming out of rehab. But then I realized - I won't get to see Star Wars or the next season of GOT. No joke, that somehow worked better than thinking about my family, etc.

I could give two shits about this book, but man oh man did I get excited for this comment section. Gonna be checking back in on this shit all month long.

Imagine if you killed your friend and then disposed of their body but you were good enough to leave no direct evidence.

He had a ton of motive. Have you never met a super insecure possessive male? This shit happens to women every day.

I disagree. If the sentence was 15 years with a guilty plea that is VERY different than 15 years and exonerated. Think about the victim and her family.

Exactly. Serial definitely came down on his side but the case when taken in its totality is much more strongly weighed against him than any individual piece of evidence.

It's not implausible to me that a sheltered middle-class kid from a strict religious background might not be thinking clearly in the wake of a murder and turn to the only "criminal element" he knows, a black weed dealer, assuming he naturally has some kind of experience that would be useful. It sounds stupid as hell

Which was Absolutely the right move.

To be fair I think that only really existed for two years, but its true, it was once great. In my mind Community & The League peaked during the same magical seasons.

Strongly disagree with the statement that "Taco is an integral part" of anything. Also disagree with the assertion that anything was "genuinely funny".

Little Secrets is the best thing he ever did.

Thank you. I see these ignorant terrible young people saying Gossamer was a good album in the comments here, and I wanna fucking vomit. Also save your time, this album blows equally-to-worse.