
For the record I don't wear my sweatpants everywhere to show how "down to earth" I am. I do it because I'm barely holding my life, marriage, and career together, and there is nothing left inside me.

Man… So many things wrong here I don't even want to touch this. You don't cut acid with speed. Never done, if for no reason other than the blotter won't hold enough to be an active dose.

Looking at the writers credited, it is possible one of them ate the wrong jellybeans before typing up that segment.

Freebase coke is crack.

I had that moment about 7 years ago. It was brutal.

I've been eating a shitload of Wheat Thins in remembrance. It was a month ago, but it still is surreal to me.

I don't mind the violence in that movie. I consider that film a stone fucking cold classic.

Yeah, I really know I'm with a fringe element when I see a red solo cup.

In the days of real hardcore punk rock, truly dangerous band members and truly dangerous members of the crowd either shared the microphone or fought you on the stage. No interruption to the show, and security stayed the fuck out of it. I know because I lived this shit, like the one time I crowd surfed onto the stage

Two traits I know are cool in 40 year old men:

You're busted dude. I was reading some shit from 2009-2010 the other day, and you spoke as if you were a contemporary man of those future times.

And we can blame this change in focus for the lack of Nabin rap reviews. You know he's gotta be lobbying Pitchfork so hard to let him pull double duty.