Jesse Author

Eh, I think it's because she has cameras on her all day. She needs really dramatic makeup to stand up to the flash photography…also, what if she was wearing light makeup, and it faded after a few hours? I dunno, she could be doing a lot worse things than wearing too much eyeliner.

This is a question from several weeks ago, but I was wondering if anyone here has an opinion: what REALLY happened with the panna cotta that Jamie made? Did Tyler really steal it on accident? And why is it that Jamie's panna cotta turned to soup, considering she seems like a decent pastry chef?

I don't remember two chefs going home this season, which sucks because they really need to cull the herd. I'm beginning to lag in my interest as they keep getting rid of boring, middling contestants for weeks on end.

Courtney HAS to be fucking one of the producers, right? Right?!! It's my main explanation for the fact that she keeps winning at just the right moment to determine who will be on team challenges together, etc. Also, I refuse to believe that she can cook while wearing those shoes. It isn't possible—I assume that

Dara was absolutely the worst! The bow kept falling down and into the food and it was GROSS. I have no idea why I am so irrationally upset with the hairpiece of a 12-year-old, but I assure you that her bow drove me to distraction for that whole damned season.

And Conor Oberst has to pay his attorneys (out of his own pocket, undoubtedly—what attorney would take this on contingency?) so that he can get this woman to pay $50/mo to some charity for the next 30 years? No, Oberst did the right thing to drop the suit once his name was cleared.

I love any kingdom that inspired the creation of Rohan.

Perhaps Hess is more of an East Coast thing? I've never heard of it, either as an oil or toy company.

It just kind of comes across as one minority group excluding and stereotyping another minority group, especially considering I'm a straight white girl who has gone to many gay bars and never acted that way. But your explanation is reasonable and measured, and I agree with you about the cover charge.

I'm guessing that the defendant is largely judgment-proof—in other words, broke. Oberst will probably drop his lawsuit for that reason.

I think Accutane could clear that up for you.

I don't think weight keeps you from finding women, but I think it messes with your self-confidence. So working out will build that for you.

Question: why can't drunk straight girls go to an establishment where they won't get boned or raped, etc.? It seems like a win-win, no? I get that them being bitchy about a cover is odious, but I don't think all straight girls are the same.

I think you guys need to sit down and talk about whether or not you're ready to be exclusive. If he is and you aren't, it might be a sign that the relationship isn't going to work (because he'll resent that you want to see other people).

You're not a fan of in-person talking? What are you "NOPE"ing to?


Why didn't Will Smith put that line in his song?

Bad idea. But you asked this the LAST time you went to Florida!!! So I can't tell if you're serious or not.

I'm very sorry about how you are going through a break-up, too. I should have said that originally, but I'm kind of not in a clear headspace.

Yes, I see that there's definitely a difference. I just think a sense of humor would be a good way to handle it as long as it was an occasional thing. And it doesn't sound like Skeletons is a repeat-offender. I just think he should ask for some humor because it might happen again, every once in a while.