
Eh, it was fun enough, and I'm not without hope for the foundation they seem to be building. But, no, it definitely wasn't as good as early season Archer to me. I've come to accept the first few seasons were just lightning in a bottle that they'll never replicate. It's still enjoyable enough for me to continue though,

This is exactly why I think she's a midseason exit. She seems too polished to go home super early, but the fact that they didn't even mention her being connected to Violet is not a good sign. Look at Alaska or Manila, or even Robbie this season. Connections to past queens is a great storyline, so the fact they didn't

Ah, now you've got me remembering the early days of AVC Bob's Burgers reviews where Kaiser would spend half the review complaining about what he thought was the show not aligning perfectly with him politically.

One thing that I continue to love about this show is it's continued relationship with feminism (and social justice at large). It is a decidedly feminist and women-positive show, but it tackles these issues in so much more complex a way than pop culture tends to do. They both continue to often make good feminist

You so painfully missed the point of the joke that it's not even funny. The joke wasn't reaffirming that Chinese stereotypes are too offensive to do while Italian stereotypes aren't, it was that even people aware of social justice can have gigantic blind spots in how they apply social justice. The joke was that their

Not token, but is it really crazy to expect a show with as large a cast as Bob's Burgers to have an LGBT character or two? It's actually pretty glaring that somehow they don't. And I'm not gonna bother explaining why representation is important to minorities, because I doubt you'll understand or care

No, I am disappointed they've went the expected straight path as well. They've laid out the groundwork for years for Gene possibly being queer, through his jokes and general identification with females, but like with most shows, when it comes down to it they went the easier, straight path. In general, though I really

There seems to be a weird pathological obsession with some people to prove that SU is the superior show. I really don't get why.

Nope, I didn't like it either, so the general consensus that it was great surprises me. I've even loved this season so far, but this one was a let down. The animation was great, my problem just came down to the characterization and overdone message. Jake especially bothered me. His transformation for this episode into

I haven't watched this show since the first season, but caught some of this episode with my parents, and I thought the Streisand and entire Mitchell storyline was so unfunny and even a tad bit offensive. I came in here to see if anyone mentioned it, and you seem the only one. "What does he like?" "Gay stuff." The

I agree mostly. I do love Mel and Sue and their helping generally doesn't bother me, but it crosses a line for me at times. One was in season 5 during a technical bake, where the whole point is the bakers usually don't know what it's supposed to look like, when they outright whispered to a baker (I think the 17 year

I think it's 1) the hosts. I tried to give them a chance, but they're just flailing around and not working. I don't know if it's them, or just bad writing. Probably both.
And 2) I've finally decided that I agree, for whatever reason the overall level is lower than the British version. Lauren seems the only one who

Something that was just insane to me was Nicole not knowing what tiramisu is. I get that she's from the South, probably a rural area (though I don't remember if that's true), but I'm originally from rural Missouri, where there's no Italian heritage, and it's not rare to see it around there. It just blew my mind that

I'm inclined to like this just for the fact that they removed the absolute worst part of the original: Paul Hollywood. It's so nice watching the show without his creepiness and staring at the (usually young) female bakers. I do miss Mel and Sue though, the hosts were pretty unfunny. Hopefully they improve.

I can't understand the number of commentators in the comments every week that seem to just hate the show and have to let everyone know they hate it. Shouldn't you stop watching by now if you think it's that terrible?

I was hoping she would too. I mean, leaving aside the fact that these periphery character episodes are never my favorite anyways, I was kind of bothered by the end. I didn't get the feeling that RBG came out looking particularly good either, so her picking him at the end was kind of jarring to me. Starchy was crazy,

After really trying to approach it with an open mind, after watching this I just can't understand people who dismiss the PB/Marceline used to be a couple thing. I don't mean necessarily the people who just disagree with it, but the people who still act like there's no basis for others believing it. The dialogue, the

Start with season 3. It is the strongest season, with hilarious guest turns from Meg Ryan, Chelsea Handler (Yes, I'm serious), and Megan Mullally. If you don't find those episodes funny, then probably give up.

That foot blob thing Jerry ran into fucked me up.

I love how the show pushed forward Diane's character finally. One thing that I've been missing, and worrying they wouldn't address, was her shitty actions in the fight with Bojack over the book. There's been snipes here and there from Bojack, but I'm glad Diane finally really addressed it and admitted her fault. I