
I love both, but Bojack is right, the honeydew in pre-made fruit salads is always shit.

Needs more whiny, rich white kids

Tatiana Maslany retweeted some of the actress who plays Delphine's tweets, and tweeted that she loved her. I was momentarily confused why they seemed so close because Cosima is the one mostly in scenes with Delphine, not Tatiana's character.

I felt bad for the Castors as well. I find it weird how such a large portion of the fanbase and even to some extent the show itself refused to extend the same sympathy to them that they did to Helena. They were all clearly fucked up from an early age and trained to do these things. I think the seestra love thing has

How does this in any way solve the problems brought up? It's still a disservice to the character. It still doesn't make sense given what has been shown on screen and in the books of Stannis' character, which no real buildup that could possibly justify Stannis making such a desperate act. It still basically ruins

For whatever reason, possibly some personal, the Harpies scenes are killing me. That creepy music gives me heart palpitations. This, and especially the Grey Worm fight a few episodes back have really disturbed me. I just want Dany to burn that city to the ground. You can't save shit, which is what that city is.

This was by far the best episode of the season. And it's not a coincidence it happens in an episode where we finally get more workroom interaction. Too many acting challenges in a row just sucks up all the time to get to know the queens.

I really think Fame is getting a ton of leeway because she was the most famous pre-show. And they know she has little experience with lipsyncing and don't want to risk losing her. But for real, she has to have the record for most bottom 3s without having to lipsync.

So have so many of the queens tho. Trixie, Max (who coined "Ruvolt), Katya who made a tumblr post about how Ru was actually distant and cold, Violet has also said something I'm pretty sure. Several current and past queens have openly disagreed with Trixie leaving. It's so widespread that I'd think it was some kind of

Also Michelle having to take up the "head" on Fame's behalf was so cringey. I know Fame has fans, but her humor is completely in the vein of Alyssa: accidental and oblivious. Knowing when someone is making a sex pun is like RPDR 101.

I don't get the criticism of Max's look at ALL. Context matters, and for this look grey was the only wig that made sense. She was the specter of a girl who killed herself. And they bring their looks based on what the producers tell them pre-show, she could hardly change that look now. Any other week I could accept

People are PISSED over this elimination. I didn't think the Bendela pushback could be topped, yet somehow this did it. So many queens from Courtney to Darienne to even God damn Lady Bunny have disagreed with it. I really don't think the producers or Ru expected Trixie to be such a hit. They thought she was filler that

Also did I mishear of did Trixie say she went to school with Max in Untucked? I was shocked. Normally the show highlights any pre-show relationships, yet as far as I know this is the first time it came up, and it was a throw away comment.

I already see some people defending Jasmine because "edits!!!1" a la Darienne, but it seems ridiculous to me. Her straight up nasty rant, calling Violet a horse face, saying she hates the very air the younger queens breathe. That's not someone being edited to look bad, that's someone making themself look bad. She only

I agree. I don't get the people who label Pearl as standoffish or a "villain," like this review. She seems to get along with mostly everyone so far and can hold her own in reading. It seems like people pre-judging her and stereotypes, because from where I'm standing Ginger Minj seems more bitchy than Pearl is. But for

Jasmine coming for Trixie's aesthetic, when her makeup and outfits are a mess every week? At least Trixie looks like a clown on purpose.

I found it completely bizarre. Like Jasmine was coming for Trixie about her "big mouth,' and like Trixie has been a bitch to everyone. I barely remember them even interacting before this. It felt out of nowhere, or like things have been going on that haven't been shown on camera. It goes down as one of the biggest

Honestly, this is how I feel. It seems that queens are looking at the contestants who did well in fan voting in the past, and thinking they HAVE to be the funniest one in the room at all times. YMMV, but Katya's humor comes off as too calculated and try-hard to me. You can just tell how desperately she wants to be

I just don't see how an adult can watch Asami and Korra over these four seasons and not think at all they might have feelings for each other, unless they are for whatever reason purposely trying to ignore it.

I know some people here still think Korra/Asami is in people's heads, but there is no way there isn't something there. Their argument at the restaurant had such a strong lover's quarrel vibe to it, and there's no way the writers didn't realize it. If Asami was a guy there is no way anyone would be denying that they