
I was thinking on the same lines as you, it would be cool if the show was Sherlock-style and just did a few episodes that have a movie-length runtime.  Obviously I'd prefer a full season of 45-minute awesomeness, but if it's a choice between getting cancelled and doing something like the format you suggest, I'd

We need a Kickstarter to make this happen.

Right, I just mean that it's stressful to see all this creepy stuff onscreen but they're all like, "Whatevs, it's no big deal."  I'm just like, THANKS FOR THE DISTRESS Y'ALL

You win.

@Kumagoro:disqus  Yeahhh obviously I thought I'd catch up with the ep once it came out on DVD because at that point I thought it was gonna be more of a "crime of the week" show and didn't think I'd be missing too much.  Of course now I'm kicking myself over not catching up with it and not getting the full context of

Ooh.  You know what, as much as I love Hugh Dancy, I hope they don't keep Will longer than necessary.  From what I read in other comments Fuller wanted each season to correspond with each of the books (or something like that), so I am looking forward to that moment when the shit hits the fan.

They both do "mentally unstable" so well!

Actually, the reason I like crime narratives is seeing all the steps the detectives take to unravel the mystery, I love all the dumb boring process stuff, but for some reason I don't miss it so much on this show, since it's so much more about everyone's psyche.  Obviously with a lesser show I'd be making the same

Damn, they still haven't said anything?  ARgh.

Man, Crawford is so tough on Will.  He needs to back off and let Will go home and play with his puppies every now and then.

Oh, right.  Just in case we forgot it was Arrested Development Week!

Aw, Lecter wouldn't off Will!  They're frieeeeends!

That whole scene in this episode where the dead girls are accusing Abigail… ahhh that creeped me out so bad.  Even if I knew she was just imagining it, it was hard to watch.

Oh man, remember that moment in Freaks & Geeks when Sam's parents finally get him a videogame system?  I just started crying.  BEST TV PARENTS EVER.

Whoa.  It didn't even occur to me.  Holy fuck, this show gives me the heebie-jeebies.

Seeing that made me wonder if he should get one of those Temple Grandin Hug Machines.  No substitute for the real thing, obviously, especially if they're doled out by Alana, but still, god knows I wish I had one of those sometimes…

I thought someone would bring this up. I just suspected it was one of those situations where the episode was meant to be shown earlier but it was shown later with some scenes redone to keep the continuity—they did that with another episode ("Sorbet"), so I figured they'd done the same thing.  But when I looked up the

I'm glad I live alone, I was basically shouting at the TV to "stop it, just stop it!"  Did I change the channel, though?  No…

You have a great point.  I didn't watch those snippets they released online so it felt like the Abigail storyline was old news rather than, er, current news.

Aw… now I feel guilty for not keeping up with the recaps.  I'm sorry, I really am, especially since I was one of those jerks who kept asking for these reviews.  At least I can keep coming back to them when I have a chance to revisit the show.