I miss funny Mel Gibson, as opposed to batshit crazy Mel
I miss funny Mel Gibson, as opposed to batshit crazy Mel
Does anyone really watch The Princess Bride because of Buttercup? For me, it's all about Inigo Montoya.
Lindelof makes it so easy to snark on him, he really does.
Oh yay, I'm glad to get a second opinion on Comedy of Errors. My friend and I went to see it and left the theater skipping, so it's awesome to hear other people liked it too!
What friends?
Oh, the irony of not remembering her name…
There are some books you read, and then there are books you experience.
Oh! Apparently she's still alive. And Millenium Actress was inspired by her? Wow.
Hm, I hear you. I don't know how to explain it, on one level it blew me away, but on another, I felt much like you and I did feel a kind of distance from it.
I've been really impressed by the writing. It's weird but something about it still feels fresh, even two decades later. The only reason I'm going so slowly with it is that I keep getting distracted by other stuff.
Honestly I felt bad for Denisof! He was fine, but Acker was acting circles and squares and dodecahedrons around him.
Wow. I'm sorry to hear about the peanuts. I was wondering why you weren't around.
Not sure, hope I have a few more decades to think about it, BUT… "I Know It's Over" by the Smiths is a contender.
I'm so creeped out and so turned on at the same time!!! [Faints.]
That's what I found so impressive about Mikkelsen in that scene, it was just insane to watch him (as Lecter) show that he's being both manipulative AND genuinely sorry about the way things turned out with Abigail. Mikkelsen played that bit PERFECTLY.
Damn, I forgot "Smooth Criminal"
"Psycho Killer" by Talking Heads, obvs.
Thanks for your reviews, Molly! & thanks to all the people who have commented here the past few months. Getting into this show has made me wonder why certain programs get such intense fanbases, but I've really appreciated the insight and especially all the gallows humor in the comments section.
I'm surprised it isn't already in development at NBC. It would be the lead-in to Hannibal, obvs.
Oh, I hope you don't think I was mocking you for wanting to read the book. I just find the programming on CBS to be fairly lackluster (procedurals with heavy exposition, broad and unsubtle comedies, blah blah). I am absolutely hoping that Under the Dome is good, but I quake with fear that the network will fuck up…