
The funny thing is, now I've had all sorts of movies spoiled!  But yeah, it bummed me out to see all those gay characters die.  And I posted my original comment before the sequence where everyone's just saying the f-word, that was pretty uncomfortable as well.

Yeah, they should definitely show The Celluloid Closet in schools!

Oh, you wear glasses, too!  I feel like such a dummy having to wear two pairs of glasses when I go see 3D movies, which is one of the many many reasons I don't see them very often.

I'm just surprised Har Mar is still around.

WILTY is so much fun.  Definitely one of my favorite panel shows.

Even nerdier: Hedy Lamarr.

Others that surprised me: Ethan Hawke, Macaulay Culkin, Anthony Bourdain.

Watched some movies!

@Kumagoro:disqus  I can't help but feel annoyed about this Fullerverse stuff when it comes to this show, since the Hannibal characters are from a pre-existing property.  Like, would it kill him (er, eat away at him) if Fuller let the cutesy connections go for just one show?

For the life of me, I can't remember Franklin before this ep.  Gives me an excuse to rewatch everything, ha.

By the way, thank you for telling me Beverly's name.  After I submitted my comment I saw someone else mention her name.  I do love the science team but I can't seem to remember any of their names and I feel bad, the actors are all doing a really good job with the few minutes of screentime they have.

Hm.  I guess they can't say "puta" on Univisión, can they?

I think in Mexican Spanish you can use "coger".  "Cogí Ted."

Oh yeah, I was totally forgetting that Alana and Lecter have a fairly long history.  Great points!

Beverly's cool.  I would totally go out drinking with her after work.

Oh man, I should have read this thread before commenting on the episode.  Thanks for pointing out Beverly's name, I honestly didn't know any of the science team members', which sucks because I do like them.

It's cool you contacted De Laurentiis.  Even cooler that she replied.

That Justified pilot was so well-written.  Really one of the best I've seen in recent years.

- I was a little disappointed when Franklin said he was Lecter's patient.  I suspected they'd met at a "cereal convention" (see: Sandman).

Crap, I forgot about Home Alone.  Maybe Big, too.  Clearly I just wanted people to leave me the hell alone.