
It's not the Disney movie I've loved the longest, but Sword in the Stone was definitely a VHS I wore out.  So wonderful.

My first thought was The Sound of Music, too.  I had no concept of there being a narrative or anything like that.  I just liked the songs, and maybe I felt kinda funny when the mail boy kissed the oldest girl.  I liked the littlest girl because she wouldn't speak, and I didn't like speaking to people either.

Yah, exactly.  If they could leave it as is, I think I'd be down with that.  Maybe Netflix could scoop it up, if NBC are too dumb to keep the show on the air.

I don't know.  This show really doesn't feel like a network TV show, but I feel like if they put it on cable it might try to push the gruesomeness ever MORE and I'm not sure I could handle it.

Ugh, I feel so conflicted.  Dancy, Fishburne, Mikkelsen… I find them all really handsome and I really want to fapfapfap but then all the gruesome stuff happens during the episodes and it just kills (heh) my lady boner.  :/

What did Tom say?  He was lamenting that Mona-Lisa's pregnancy would be a disaster for humanity.  Not only did we avert that disaster, Baby Swanson is probably going to make humanity BETTER.

I've been so curious about Salesman but I get the feeling it's super depressing, am I wrong to assume this?

Ygritte is a badass.

Oh man, okay, One Hour With You is definitely a bit of a deep cut.  You should educate yourself first with Singin' in the Rain first.  Really fun movie, one of the best ever made, regardless of genre.

This is coming from someone who doesn't really care about the specifics of time travel, but I think Primer is still worth a try.  I don't know or even care if the timey-wimey aspects make sense, I felt like it made emotional sense and it resonated.  Plus, it's like an hour and 20 minutes, relatively short for a

So much truth.  I totally put less of the spicy stuff on my Shin Ramyun and my parents think I'm a real wimp for it, but my god, that stuff tastes so good.  I'd definitely stick with that than go with a Japanese brand.

Aw, best of luck with your finals.  Only a few more weeks, right?

Not very well-known musical, but I'd recommend One Hour With You.  It's from before the Hayes code took hold, so it's morally loose, which makes the whole thing way more fun.  The songs are pretty good and the leads are so charismatic.  And if I remember correctly it was fairly short, too.  I don't like that so many

The Iron Giant is Vin Diesel's greatest cinematic accomplishment, am I right or am I right?

I liked the movie a lot, but when I watched it, it definitely felt very Wes Anderson and not very Dahlian (Dahlesque?  Dahlic?) at all, so I totally understand why it would have irked you.

Exactly the reason I've never been to Olive Garden, there's just so many other choices, though I guess in smaller towns it must be the nice option.


Those stage versions of kids TV shows just sound so hellish to me.  And that's really rough about your kid being exposed to the news.  Obviously you can't shield your kid forever, but five is still so young.  Sucks he has to learn how scary the world can be.

Details, please.  Was your friend unimpressed with Swift as a person or as a musician?

Hope your daughter enjoyed it!  And I hope she discovers Sleater-Kinney or something soon so you won't have to sit through another one of these shows!