
Good luck with your job!  If you can get through This Means War you can get through anything!

Aw, I wish you could have seen No here in NYC, I went the first weekend and it was completely sold out.  It's still playing, actually.  Honestly I'm not too worried about people forgetting it, I think it's gonna get a lot of play with rentals/streaming.

I actually liked Europa, there was something a bit goofy about it, but still worth checking out.

Awesome, that means you can watch the miniseries and clarify some of the plot, ha.  I liked the movie but I think the miniseries was clearer about the plot.  Actually, I fucking loved the miniseries.

Just to clarify, did you see the recent TTSS?  Or the miniseries?

I know.  When I heard of it I merely thought it would make an interesting experiment for Whedon, but then I saw the trailer and now I really want to see it!  Very jealous of @avclub-eee10e3b1f440f8e5dde6138c35e4a4b:disqus right now.

I do miss the Wild West nature of the comments section before we all had to register, but I have to admit it was for the better.

Best of luck with your job search!

… I don't even know anymore.  As someone who got properly hooked on this site because of the Lost recaps, I'm fucking livid.

Yes!  Definitely I don't mean to slight the other female writers.  I actually love that the AVC has a relatively high amount of women getting bylines.  But think about the fact that, for example, Tasha was around for a decade and a half, which means she definitely had a hand in shaping the AVC into the success it is

Absolutely. For a website with a fairly liberal comments section, the level of rhetoric is incredibly high. Some really wonderful, insightful commenters out in the crowd.

YES.  I feel so validated now!!  Of the very few African movies I've seen, the two "classics" have been Touki Bouki and Yeelen.  And when I finished watching Touki Bouki this weekend, I was like, "Why the fuck wasn't Yeelen awesome like that??"  Maybe I don't get it, but just because a movie is not from Western Europe

To clarify, I have no inherent hatred for the bros of the world, I'm sure some of them are real nice, it's the douches I'm scared of!

I read in some NYC-based publication that there's more single women than men in NYC, so the odds are ever in his favor!

Obviously I understand the need for this website/publication to grow and I'm not averse to new blood, but I was bummed by the way things played out with the departure of not just Keith and Scott but now Tasha, Genevieve and Nabin, too.  I just wasn't expecting it, it was so sudden.  I'm grateful for all they

Fucking hell, I didn't know Tasha was bailing too.  I'm trying not to take it so personally over someone I've never even met and barely knows I exist [EDIT: who am I kidding, she doesn't know I exist] but I think she contributed so much to the AVC and and and… [sobs]

Why can't you just say it's Scott Pilgrim?  I mean, what's the problem, exactly?

Ha, you know I'm totally gonna add you, right?

Damn, I just saw the term "front line" and assumed this would air on PBS.  Fuck.  I really want to see this!  Restrepo really moved me…

So… is he on Letterboxd?  Either way, welcome dude!