
Ugh, don't remind me.  That was a dark time on the AVC…

Yeah, I think what bothers me about the OP is that she sounded so rude about it.  But being honest about your lack of enthusiasm over your partner's interests is probably better in the long run…

Do you and your daughter trade reading material a lot, or was this a rare occurrence?

I don't see why you should feel obligated to react ANY specific way (not just crying) just because of what others will think.  I mean, if your best friend got married and you didn't cry, it doesn't mean you wished your friend ill, does it?

@avclub-195704d42ca54b9b5438856244f7ad95:disqus Wait, Lindstrom?  Lindstrom who?  There's a hottie out there I'm not fapping to??

That's cool that they brought people over.  I was curious because it's so specifically a story about "Ugly Americans."

Oh man, do they put on their own music there?  I thought the Chipotle soundtrack came from the top down.

That Scott McCloud is classic.  Honestly they should teach it in schools.  I think in some college classes they do, actually!


How does it work with the musical, is it just British actors doing American accents or did they bring over American actors to London?

That tribute act sounds awesome.

Dang.  I feel terrible you had such a shitty week.  :(

Man, I'm gonna check out those other Sternbergs, I really loved Underworld!

I love that you're seeing results from your dedication.  I don't comment all the time on your posts, but I just want to cheer you on.  Keep strong dude!!

Hey, I had bar talk about Amy Poehler, too!  Mostly, my very feminist girl friends were arguing that Amy Poehler is cooler than Tina Fey, in the sense of being an ally to women and whatever.  And that made me kinda pissy because I feel like my friends have such a strict view of feminism that they get mad over all

I'm so sorry about everything.  Especially your great-aunt.  But really, I'm sorry about your tough week.

That's actually a great double feature.  Gonna have to try it some time.

You know, I'm not that familiar with his stuff.  I checked, and all I've watched besides this movie was 12 Monkeys, which from what I remember was more serious, and as a kid I watched a bit of Baron Muchausen.  So I wasn't thinking about the movie in terms of Gilliam's M.O. and more as an example of dystopian society

Fuuuuuck I can believe I forgot him but I'm so glad I did because it would have made the game infinitely more difficult.  That man is so so dreamy.