
@avclub-920530cb8744c679e3a2ece84f1d5ce4:disqus Actually, I'm willing to say that after all that horrible stuff happens to the wife, she's definitely in a state of trauma, so I didn't hate her as much as other people, but I found the marriage relationship between her and Hoffman's character really unlikeable. 

Ack, I should have clarified.  I watched the original.

@avclub-011d0b4fe6835bb3d37ef4e0ea713de6:disqus  I found it suspicious that Mercutio isn't in this trailer, or if he was, I totally missed him.  Seriously, Romeo looks way too old and bland (like someone cast on a show on the CW) and now I'm worried Mercutio will be the same.

Mazel tov!

In school we watched Bleeder and then the next day Hannibal was on so most of this week I've been like, "ILU MADS MIKKELSEN CALL ME MAYBE~"

I really like Dawn, and I'm glad she's been competent enough for her to stay at SCDP for a while.

Aw, any women characters?  Were there a lot of women in California at that point?  Though I guess it's tricky to write women because they would have to conform to early 20th century ideals while appealing to a 21st century audience.

Huh.  Wait so are you still in film school, or was it some years ago, or what?  I'm wondering what movies your classmates cited as inspiration to go to film school.  I'm surprised to hear that most of you hadn't watched Chinatown, it's seems like such a behemoth of American cinema.  I genuinely feel bad that I haven't

Pfft.  That Kubrick kid.  What a hack.  Shows how much he knows.

If The Conversation was made now it would have a score that totally emphasizes it's thriller-y aspects.  I like that the soundtrack just punctuates the main character's mental state.  Pretty amazing results.

I added you on Letterboxd last night!  On there I'm Yoli.

Dude, I want to see The Hunt so bad!

That's what would petrify me about a phone date, I didn't even know those happened!  I'd need some visual clues to know whether the conversation was going well or if I needed to switch things up.  I'm pretty sure I could never do a phone date.

Ugh, well, I didn't make it out to MoCCA fest.  Boo!  Watched a few movies, as per usual.  What's unusual is that my choices were mostly American—I still have some serious gaps in that department.  In my film class this week, I confessed that I hadn't seen Chinatown

Yup, yup.  Exactly the movie I was thinking of when I wrote my previous comment.

Right?  I was feeling preemptively embarrassed that I planned to watch this (BECAUSE MADS MIKKELSEN!), but now I feel less goofy about wanting to check it out.  Hope the quality doesn't drop off after the first ep!

Aw, don't blame O'Neal.  He's just the messenger.

Aw man.  I could do Sunday… I have work on Saturday.

Tentative plans for next weekend: MoCCA fest!

I loved Gosling in The Believer (as much as you can love a white supremacist character, heh) and in Half Nelson.  But I think the role that really tests whether you're for or against Gosling is Lars and the Real Girl.