
Actually, it sounds like what you're already doing on LJ but with a slightly fancier layout.  Seemed like the biggest appeal was to keep a chronicle of your film watching.  I feel like I'd be very good at keeping track of what I watch but I wouldn't be so devoted to the reviewing/interacting with others.

I hear you on the difference between favorite movies vs. greatest movies.  Honestly, I'd tell you to follow your heart and rate according to how much you personally enjoyed the movie.

Ooh, I love Aksel Hennie.  I'm gonna check that out for sure.

Fuck it, I'll bite. They had some pretty good songs, like I love "Helena."  I listened to Three Cheers a lot for a few months in my life, and I think they wrote some quality songs.  I genuinely think they had the musicianship—that guitarist in particular is really talented. Certainly compared to other bands who end up

That video is fucking great.  Marc Webb has made so many videos that he's got a lot of mediocre ones, but that one is a gem.

God, is there an Inventory for that topic?  I love stories like that…  My favorite is probably This Is England.

Aw, Gilmore Girls is so great.  I feel bad that 11-year-old Monty felt like he couldn't be out and proud about that!

Isn't that what every Nerdist is about?

They're not as same-y as people claim, but still, I always like to think of Is This It as side A and Room on Fire as side B.  Great albums, both.

That's so lovely!  I always feel like when it comes to actors there's a lot of talent to go around but not enough niceness.  So it makes me happy to hear that Esposito's longass career can be attributed on having both.

Dang, maybe I read this wrong, but did he have a great time on every project or what?  Either he's the happiest dude in the world or he's one professional, diplomatic mofo.  Whichever way it is, he's the best.

QUESTION: Any of you on Letterboxd?  Do you use it a lot?  Is it fun?

Pleasantly surprised by the grade.  With this and The We and the I (which didn't get such a nice grade, mind you), I'm kind of excited to see the Bronx some attention.  And we didn't even have to burn any buildings down this time!

Well, you can't like everything. You gave it an honest try, didn't you?  If it didn't click, it didn't click.  There's lots of music out there waiting for you to love it.

@LJo1:disqus @avclub-29501df08e5d9ae59e432e4f188d3735:disqus

@avclub-ab884d1105328901d4a4e54f3c3c8def:disqus  OMG thank you SO much for those links!  That other Hassan song is pretty awesome, plus I can't believe how much skin all the dancers are showing.

Wow, that's so wonderful you got to nurture him since he was a kitten.  At least you'll be able to cherish the memories.

The very last moments of The French Connection rocked so hard.  I was like, "Wha… no resolution?" but it was so well-done and it had been such a great experience that I couldn't hate.

I hear you, I haven't had the balls to watch United 93 either.  But everything I've heard about it makes me feel at peace with the fact that it exists.

I'm convinced that Iggy Pop is immortal.  Seriously, if he ever croaks, I'm going to be so shocked.