George Camrose

She killed…
…doing an impromptu duet with Andre Williams at the Norton Soul Spectacular or whatever the fuck it was called at Southpaw in Brooklyn a couple of Christmases ago. I didn't even know she was still alive at the time. Boy, was she…

Taking in
Actually I kinda felt that the less of a Dylan fan you are the more you'll like this picture. I think every Dylan obsessive has his or her own seven (six?) heads of Bob in place already. Seeing it a second time helped considerably, but I thought the Blanchett stuff played the actual history and images from

From IMDB:

Ugh! (potential SPOILER)
I HATED this movie! Reminded me of THE DARK BACKWARD meets STRANGE DAYS. The Eli Roth's cameo (getting shot while seated on a toilet by a dwarf in a swat team uniform) pretty much said it all.

Awesome interview. Thanks.

Maysles doc?
Not to take away from Lester or his films in any way (big, big, big, PETULIA fan as well. Love most of his films, really) but I saw Albert Maysles (or whichever the not dead one is) introduce a screening of his BBC Beatles doc (which has been bowdlerized on DVD due to music rights issues, unfortunately.

Yeah, when they started singing the intertitles and the stuff written on the blackboards, etc. within the film itself, I thought I was having a stroke.

The commissioned score included on "Manhattan Trade School For Girls" was just stunning to me for some reason.

Mr. Untouchable the book
Nicky Barnes and Tom Folsom wrote a pretty great book chronicling Nicky's exploits that's also called MR. UNTOUCHABLE. AVClub gave it a B + I think.

Never could get with Pavement, dunno why. Then again I was too dumb to pick up on the new thread sub-conversation thing here, so…

Hey Texecution - Terence Fisher, James Whale, Jacques Tourneur and Val Lewton aren't "*classic* classic" enough for you? I don't blame you for not reading all the posts, and your point was a lot more direct than mine but sheesh… At least it prompted dual endorsements of SON OF FRANKENSTEIN which is really great and

Not a Terence Fisher or Val Lewton/Jacques Tourneur or James Whale fan, eh? Kids…

Hear God Laugh
Hear you on the Stones. 90's trifecta:

Premingered out?
So does this mean that Chris Fujiwara's Preminger book isn't going to materialize? If so, that's a shame. No aspersions against Hirsch, whose Actor's Studio book amongst others is pretty cool, but Fujiwara unpacks movies with unusual insight and clarity.

Yeah -
It's totally redundant at this point but as the subject is so dear to my heart I feel compelled to add that ON THE BEACH, TONIGHT's THE NIGHT and ZUMA are not only Neil's best three albums, they're pretty much the best LP trifecta of the 70's.

her dad
Juliette Lewis' father Geoffrey Lewis is pretty great and turns up in a lot of 70's Clint Eastwood movies. Who could forget his priceless tongue grabbing scene opposite Mickey Rourke in Cimino's HEAVEN'S GATE ?

I dunno…
I didn't think it was that bad. Duff history, way too many stupid camera tricks and every scene seemed to have been written in short hand, but it had a comic book feel to it that I kinda dug. Agree with you 1000% about the score, though. Brutal.

But wasn't she a partisan admirer of GUMMO ? Maybe APOSTLE (which I also loved) wasn't, urm, gothic enough…?

Yeah, I had pretty much the same reaction (or lack thereof) as you did for most of the same reasons. Care to hazard a guess as to what it was that was so offensive to some? I don't mean to labor this unnecessarily, I just can't get my head around what was so troubling about it.

Pat Healy was also in RESCUE DAWN and had an amazing scene playing a tow truck driver in David Gordon Green's UNDERTOW where he literally acted circles around Josh Lucas.