George Camrose

Highly recommend his side, side, side project with Bloodshot Bill -  Tandoori Knights. Raga-billy…

Boetticher's RIDE LONESOME
He's great in it.

well that answers that question
I've never teared (sorry as hell about your old man) and done a spit take (your LENSMEN aside - I still remember fruitlessly trying to stay involved with those books back-in-the-day) via the same blog post before. Glad you're back at it. I wish this feature was itself a book.

Coincidentally ust watched this picture for the first time in years last week after I found out it was finally out on disc and I feel like "strangely affecting" covers a lot of it. Yeah it's a PC, story logic and actual science train wreck, etc., etc., but I dunno, the blue background spacescape (same as in THE

Also, how many more times are you going to be on the phone with the guy who just played Kim Fowley in The Runaway's biopic? Jeez…

No love for MULLITT ? For shame.

There went Bronson
Amazing interview, though how AFTER HOURS could be among anyone's favorite movies is outside of my understanding, even though I've heard it before. Since BP has now been elevated to real life encounter worthy status (at least on this board) I thought I'd chime in with mine. Several years ago a

Celebrity sighting in NYC is like moose-sighting in Yellowstone. My faves are - Anthony Quinn dressed in a jogging suit and leaning against a tree in Central Park hyperventilating like crazy and dripping sweat, and coincidentally sitting behind Laurie Anderson at the movies three times over 2.5 decades (40 GUNS at the

James "The Hound" Marshall keeps a pretty amazing blog here:

Roland Janes the guy that played the shimmery guitar licks on FLYIN' SAUCERS ROCK N' ROLL is in a class by himself. Worked similar crude magic on tons of Sun Jerry Lee stuff, too.

Bay movies used to demonize those damn labcoat wearing scientist types (which I guess was sorta cut n' pasted from the movie version of THE RIGHT STUFF), so I guess that's progress. I was wondering during the Obama, um, shoutout whether they had different script pages written for a McCain win in 11/08. Either way Orci

EDDIE COYLE finally showing up on DVD after all these years… Now that Criterion apparently has Paramount in their pocket can a DVD on Skolomowski's DEEP END be too much to hope for?

They made these pictures on location, on really tight schedules, and in Eastmancolor which was a really shitty and unforgiving film stock. Therefore, they did a lot of day for night stuff on location, which can look pretty weird to modern viewers, occasionally had to optically blow up wider shots into closeups, or

Life's too short to read the 509 comments already here, so forgive me if this has been covered 209 times already.

1955 minus Elvis
'55 was the year Fleischer's VIOLENT SATURDAY came out, no?

I wish I had something substantive to add other than…
…this column ("thread"? "topic"?) has been consistently fantastic and one of the real highlights of the site this year. What an insane era/sensibility wheelhouse. Happy junk shopping in '08.

I loved this movie. Yeah, it's totally over the top, but the cracked dialog started to make sense to me after a while and the fact that characters both lip synch and sing along to the songs on the soundtrack actually seemed really cool and interesting. The Samson and Delilah in the back yard bit was

I remember one of the Cushing Dr. Who flicks being sorta okay - the bleak one with the miners and the Daleks and some kind of bomb blowing up the earth's core or something…? Looked great on a 13 inch b&W in like 1972, anyway…

Mud monster
God, thanks for conjuring that up. I'd almost forgotten. For what it's worth, Noel Black directed one absolutely brilliant short film called "Skater Dater," the underrated (except maybe by you guys, if memory serves) oddball "Pretty Poison" and "Private School" the best teen sex comedy of the 80's (ruling

"It's something…
…I think's worthwhile if the puppet makes you smile."