George Camrose

Hey Jemmy Ducks
That's a trumpet on "Miserlou." Dick Dale the self described "inventor of heavy metal" plays it himself.

Yipping and nagging
I've never been able to decide if Mike Love's 2 note sax part on the Beach Boys "Shut Down Part II" makes the song or ruins it.

I saw these guys live backed by the Sadies last year and was taken aback at how much the quotation marks you cite just vanished. That's kind of the thing with Spencer. Funny as he is, he really means it. Kind of a Ramones level of irony but with a college diploma. First album's cool, too, btw.

my 2 cents
Jacques Tourneur's deceptively pastoral 40's Western CANYON PASSAGE contains one of the grimmest views of human nature to come out of Hollywood in the 40's and was a strong and unheralded influence (says me) on Altman's MCCABE and Peckinpah's GARRETT and (sez Kent "the man from Scorsese" Jones) on MEAN

Joe Franklin
Local nutsoid late night talk show institution (and THE ARISTOCRATS scene stealer) Joe Franklin used to get lots of awkward mileage out of making his motley assortments of guests (for instance a Ramone, a silent film historian, a cabaret singer, and a guy that trains animals for Broadway shows) to remain

everyone's a critic, or aritistic type, or both
I. A lot of the "artistic types" I've met and/or shaved the face of over the years handle both criticism and praise with equal unease, frankly.

Hey Polyrhythms —
— shot in the dark here but were the fixated MMM victim actavist's initials K.H. by any chance?

Yeah, I've heard that (underwhelmed - no promos, too, come to think of it) a lot from people about the M. Weiss record. It grew on me, for sure, but it took a few listens. Hard to match SHANGRI-LA's 65 or TIME BOMB for that matter. She's on the verge of doing live shows, though I don't think they're going to be

flip flop
SEPTEMBER DAWN is so relentlessly one-sided (in one particularly ham-fisted scene, the future massacrees thanking god for the Mormons while saying grace is intercut with Voight cursing the wagon train folks while saying grace over his own table), that I think it's only natural that Steve would at the very

the bomb
Oh, hell yeah! This record is fantastic. Interesting context, too.

The "poke him/her" function in Facebook is kind of creepy.

Hey Noel - I respect that you have a lean word count on these reviews (great work, as always and god, I envy your promo pile…), and that you put it in quotes, but I wish you'd unpack potential buzz words like "docu-realism" a little more especially if you're putting them on a time line. "Early" in 1950 as

Digressive praise for AIRPLANE II: THE SEQUEL
I love the part in A2:TS when Robert Hays is getting ready to give his whole Macho Grande (?) flashback spiel to his shrink played by the late, great John Vernon. Hays says something like, "but you don't want to hear about all that…" and Vernon turns, looks directly into

I've grown accustomed to spell and grammar check…

Taste issue of course but
Neither Bergman nor Antonioni (nor Ozu, nor Dreyer, nor Bresson, nor Mizoguchi, nor Kalatazov, nor…) are very get-withable on video. You gotta get with them via the big screen. Seriously. Hats off to the poster above that cited Antonioni's early melodrama weepies.

Which scene in SPANKING THE MONKEY, exactly…? That item reads like it was cut and pasteed from Inventory: 14 Scenes From Movies in Which The Lead Character Resembles Orlando Bloom.

…passed a two episode audition last night with flying colors. I especially liked how most of the actors underplay all the anachronistic tomfoolery (though Jan Jones seemed in over her head in ep. 2) and how the writers often gave even pretty incidental characters humanizing character touches like the Austrian

WEEDS had me making calls and checking email from about the second episode, but it sure as hell had nothing to do with MLP's skills. Check out a medium turgid 90's indie called SUGARTIME to see MLP demonstrate her prodigious acting chops as Phillis Maguire of the Maguire Sisters. Even a four foot beehive

never mind Lindsay Lohan
Does Julia Ormond do any lap dances?

Hey Dro -
For the record, Hearst and Davies were never married. The old muckraker stayed wed to his wife Millicent (whom he started, er, seeing when she was 16 and he was in his mid-thirties) all the way to the end. Highly recommend David Nasaw's (sp?) book THE CHIEF for anyone interested in abosorbing 350 pages of