George Camrose

Fun time reading through this thread and ticking off just about everything that went through through what's left of my mind when I read Nathan's post. Double funky kudos to DeLorean for posting the excerpt from WANDERER. A heartbreaking work of staggering genius. Buy it.

what, no love for Animal Justice?
Kudos for running this and the Mountain Goats producer guy piece the same week. To each their own…

Supposedly Debralee Scott's big screen debut was as the naked corpse of the kidnapped 14 year old girl ("the mother identified this, the orthodontist identified this…") that gets pulled out of a sewer overlooking the Golden Gate Bridge about halfway through Siegel's DIRTY HARRY.

wow, sorry
Jason covered a bunch of the stuff I mentioned got covered while I was writing. Cheers.

If book learning is your thing, David Bordwell's PLANET HONG KONG is well worth picking up. Bordwell unpacks the history of Shaw Bros. etc. and maps out what autuerism there is to be had in that film arena.

Hey James1
Check out Nicholson in THE PASSENGER some time.

…though I completely agree with your QT reassessment (and how about the sheer length of his dialog? Uma and Sonny Chiba's first scene together in KB! I seemed to stretch into infinity), when you say "Mr. Brown" you're invoking one of the most charismatic and hardboiled villains in American movies - Richard

The fiance…
…had more screen time in Towne's original script which a pal of mine stole off of somebody's desk and passed around back when Towne was still going to direct it. A really beautiful piece of writing as I recall. Speaking of which, there was a pretty brutal Vanity Fair article about the unmaking of 2 Jakes

Benny Joy
Kudos for the Elvis cites. Boots Randolph also contributed mightily to the great and utterly obscure Benny Joy's bizarro world non hit "Button Nose."

Also, I may be wrong but I'm guessing that combative, QUOTE fuck you, go listen to Rush!UNQUOTE, QUOTE fuck you, go listen to the Black Lips UNQUOTE attacks and QUOTE why do you have to hate/criticize everything? UNQUOTE laments fall sharply to one side of the +/- 20 age line. Honestly, I've been revolted

Take out the personal pronouns and this will be 100 words shorter
Interesting thread. Especially liked the animal behavior guyâs take (guilty!) and Phipps' Aldrich response. Was coincidentally informed just last week that Aldrich's daughter Adell still has that creepy clown picture that's featured on the BIG

Chiming in -
Personally I think DUCK, YOU SUCKER/FISTFUL OF DYNAMITE/ONCE UPON A TIME THE REVOLUTION is fantastic in its full cut. Can't say whether or not it's Leone's best movie but it's passed GBU, ONCE/WEST and FOR A FEW as my favorite. UA finally did a new print of the long cut like 10 years ago, but I think this

Kidman actually works with this insane acting guru named Susan Batson who trots all over the globe with her and breaks her scripts down for her and stuff. Worked with Cruise when they were still together, too. He thanked Batson when he got the Globe for MAGNOLIA. Must've lost her in the sham divorce.

Avril Lavigne or her songwriting computer program -
- also copped the Rubinoo's "I Wanna Be Your Boyfriend" with a notable absence of shame.

- -
That quote at the end is from D. H. Lawrence. Got cut off, somehow. Who knew the AV Club blog had an anti-pretentiousness filter?

I actually really liked this movie, and wasn't expecting to. A nearly three hour French adaptation of D.H. Lawrence? Yikes. Kind of over arty fuck films these days.

Anyone remember the comment made (I think it was by someone at the NY Times) in the critical shitstorm that followed the AFI's first list that went (approximately) "the best American movie ever made is Night of the Generals, because it's the first film I ever saw with my father." ?

Kinda goes for it in YOU KILL ME. He looks like he's been soaking in brine for a year and appears to have been styled by the same make-up artist that transformed James Woods into Bob Haldeman for Stone's NIXON.

I wholeheartedly agree that…
…BLACK SHEEP was pretty annoying and soulless and jokey but it does have two things going for it (both of which might be construed as SPOILERS by sensitive viewers):

Alex Chilton used to do a great live version of "Solar System" in his early 90's Easely bros. days.