George Camrose

1974's "Deathdream" (aka "Dead of Night", "Whispers," etc.)
is some kind of knuckleheaded masterpiece. Sad, weird vietnam era homefront melodrama combined with a horror movie starring Casavettes alums Lynne Carlin and John Marley. Also, "Murder By Decree" is pretty good.

is that accusation on youtube?
Great piece, Nathan. Easily my favorite of these posts, and I've liked them all.

Nice work TR/JH
That was great.

Buck Rogers
Way cooler visually than I remembered. Thanks. And thanks for not unearthing a link to the version with lyrics.

Those, um, Texans at Red 7 were turning away plenty of stinking badge wearers, too. Man, it was infuriating. Really blew for the guys/gal in the Reigning Sound who drew a five pointed star on the map of the east coast driving and flying from NYC (where they backed up Mary Weiss on Conan on Tuesday night) to

Red 7 10 PM Thursday
Hey Sean - RED 7's rather, uh, exclusive (it wasn't just people without badges that were shut out, it was just about anybody who came after 8 o'clock or so) entry policy was most definitely NOT "a bullshit descision on the label's part." It was in fact a bullshit descision on the club's part

Wait a minute…
Will this affect pornotank as well? Oh, no reason.

Apologies on the bars crack, Noel. No wonder you're so prolific. Is it too late to change my post title to, "Don't you guys have a 300 or a THE HOST review to write?"

Old Joy will definitely come out on Region 1 DVD sometime this year on the Kino International label. The kino website announces upcoming releases a month or so ahead of the street date (as this site sells ad space, I'll leave it to you to google the address), so stay tuned.

don't they have bars where you guys are?
For once I agree more with the posters than with the real-name talent. A guitar (or any solo, or any playing, for that matter) either sucessfully communicates something to you that pleases, (James Burton on Ricky Nelson's "Hello Mary Lou", Joe Perry or whatever the hell his

A modest proposal
Launching an alternative avclub as a reactions to this one's obvious pro-Sufjan Stevens and Brian De Palma bias.

The boxcutaway's
I loved that EM's son was translating Clint's (kind of insultingly) muffed intro into Papa's ear whenever they cut to the Morricone box. God what a feeble tribute to a mindroastingly brilliant artist. That scroll of titles alone…

I beg your pardon, Yummish, this failed film school student spent last night in a black Merc narrow lapel suit eating seafood and drinking alcohol, thank you very much.

You think the stag for THE QUEEN and the rat from the final shot in THE DEPARTED have the same agent? I'm imagining a post oscar interview with the two of them talking about how greatful they both are that such formerly sharp A-list directors as Frears and Scorsese are indulging in producer, audience and critic

I didn't think it was possible but this evening's Oscar(r) telecast actually managed to make Ennio Morricone's work and career appear boring and irrelevant. The power of television, man…

"I got to a point where I felt distaste for ornate, baroque, psychedelic production."

So that's a cumulative box set GPA of 3.0?
Great piece, Noel.

Rolling Stone
Spielberg did a pretty revealing interview from the set of 1941 that Rolling Stone ran a couple months before the picture was released. In it he gave the impression that 1941 was sort of a combined movie-brat valantine to DR. STRANGELOVE, IT'S A MAD, MAD, MAD, MAD WORLD and 40's war movies. The (only)

I believe in miracles and the back stairs at Attica
"You Sexy Thing" is fully owned by a late-inning Donald Cammell movie called WHITE OF THE EYE.

the plug?
I would gladly give up the priviledge of posting here if it meant that I would never have to read anything on the AVClub in which someone wrote about needing or wanting to punch David Lynch in the face. For some reason that was much creepier and sadder than all this right to death stuff. And I'm not even