George Camrose

who is AS really?
Elvis Mitchell in drag, perhaps?

That Times thing infuriated me when I read it yesterday AM. Thanks for calling out the moron that wrote it and the rag that published it. My guess is that "Alessandra Stanley" is actually Elizabeth Wurtzel using a pseudonym. I haven't read anything that dumb since Wurtzel's peice about the Stones in the New

I saw the first PLANET OF THE APES at the Loews Captial (formerly the Cinerama, I belive) in NYC with my folks when I was like 6 years old. At that age movies are barely distungusiable from reality anyway and in big-0-vision it was the six year od kid version of flabbergasting. Family legend has it that for

Touche, and I can show you the scar…
Coincidentally was invited to "introduce" a showing of McCABE at a local rep house weekend before last, opened by berating those present who confessed by show of hands to have only seen it on video, blabbed about the color techinque and the particualar 'scope-i-ness of it, then

Other than taking sides (advantage Scott with the caveat that where you live and what you do for a living makes all the difference. More on that in a minute, maybe), I would offer that outside of the visual perception stuff that Noel cites, seeing old movies on DVD comes with some of the same risks of inadvertnat

The godfathers of punk
I swear the suckiness of the Eagles nutured as many punk rock bands into existence as the awesomeness of the Velvet Underground, Stooges, Modern Lovers, Dolls, Voidoids, those English groups, etc. did.

It may just be the hangover, but…
That read like Richard Ford or something, Noel.

"Anybody wanna take a stab at naming this subgenre?"
A term that then NY Sun critic now, er, new Village Voice critic Nathan Lee coined to describe BIKER BOYZ (admittedly on the fringes of this new sub-sub genre, if part of it at all) comes to mind when descibing SMOKIN', CRANK, and RUNNING SCARED (great call, SWT) —

Re. Why?
Um, that all sounds kinda hot to me…