Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey

It's Netflix Instant for radio.

violent biker games

I think it's that and the fact that he told everybody exactly how to look up the facts themselves: "You leave here and Google ‘Bill Cosby rape.’" I, for one, did exactly that, and I'm sure a lot of other people did too.

The reviewer clearly watched 6 episodes. That's what the article says at the end.


I have no idea what to expect here.

On the AV Club, of all places? How very DARE you!

If you want to make easy money, accusing someone rich of rape is probably one of the worst ways to go about it.

So when the hell are you guys getting a copyeditor?

That's probably one of the better ratios for a major Hollywood studio.

Listening to commentaries where the cast are just big fans of each other is wonderful. Main reason I've listened to the Community commentaries like 2 or 3 times now.

I mean, you could have just explained what it was? Not everybody is as up their own ass about pop culture as you and I and everybody else here.

*does arithmetic on imaginary chalkboard*

(cue smug nod from book readers)

But what we DESERVE is Mel Gibson.

I wish all these articles were about BROAD CITY instead of GIRLS.

Can somebody explain this to me with a Twinkie metaphor?

Once the Governor is dispatched with, everybody kind of gets broken up into separate groups and it's actually pretty good.

I have definitely had sex before and therefore find this funny. It is just like the real-live sex I definitely have done with another person. Ha ha.

Yes. Maher will always go for the cheap joke at anyone's expense, whereas Oliver consistently only punches up.