Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey

a Vaughnissance, if you will

Oh shit, I was probably thinking of that subconsciously when I wrote that….

Ruffalo is the only other person besides Peter Falk who could ever play Columbo.

”When Groot Met Hodor” would be pretty great.

The host, Dan Piraro, actually writes and draws the Bizarro newspaper comic strip. He blogged about getting hired on the show here: http://bizarrocomics.com/20…

It's spelled "brah", you ignominious cretins!

You seem kinda sensitive yourself, there.

I agree! The instant a person voluntarily talks about their sex life, we're all entitled to every single piece of information about their lives, whether they like it or not!

They call me the Hiphopopotamus
Flows that glow like phosphorous
Poppin' off the top of this esophagus
Rockin' this metropolis

This is… actually quite apt.

My theory is that "GJ,I" is the clickbait that subsidizes the rest of this place.

me to cop: offcier this is the apogie of Weird Twitter.

It would've over pretty quick if he'd just said "oh shit, didn't realize that term meant that, my bad," instead of, you know, calling people cunts and telling them to commit suicide.

I figured Christopher didn't press charges because he just doesn't want to deal with her anymore.

Ed Debevic's not a Nazi?

Ed Debevic?

No, no, I'm pretty sure it's the opinion itself that's upsetting.

Motion to deny anybody besides Christopher Miller, Phil Lord, or Brad Bird from ever making a children's movie…

Or you could just ask them to write a musical. They'd have it done in a week.