Archbishop of Krejci

Um, Arrested Development?

The phrase Jesus Tittyfucking Christ has always cracked me up, mainly because of the specific enhancement of a common expletive and the mental image it creates. Yeah, I'm going to H-E-double hockey sticks.

To get on TV and in the paper, obviously.

Actually Iceland was pretty important during the Cold War. It was part of a line of various sonar equipment and relays called SOSUS from Greenland-Iceland-UK that was used to detect Soviet submarines coming from Murmansk into the Atlantic.

Still wouldn't kick her out of bed for eating crackers, despite it being wildly appropriate for the writer of "Fuck and Run"

Every thing he does, he does it for us.

There is no Captain. Only Tennille.

Worth it.

And we thoroughly enjoy our death trap.

Matlock: Jury Selection

Look at this fat cat, with a car. Commit your hate crimes elsewhere.

I've seen them alot. Maybe maybe, too many times, but ah, fuck it. Adam is awesome.

I'm a Bostonian and know a few people who were there, affected. It's still too raw. Heck, it's still too raw for me to watch Flight 93.

HOW YOU LIKE THOSE FLOWERS NOW MERLIN OLSEN? (I have nothing against Merlin Olsen)

I thought his name was Wayne.

They did Gouda.

Now batting, Manny Mota, Mota, Mota.

"Glasgow", "scot-free", who are you Teti, Edward "Longshanks"?

Why Not Both? (Sorry, I've always hated the Broncos since Elway. Then one time I flew to Denver and lost 4 days of a 6 day vacation to California because the city couldn't plow snow. Denver can take it's Swastika Illuminati Airport and GFI)

Cal McLish who pitched in the 40s and 50s has a great full name: Calvin Coolidge Julius Caesar Tuskahoma McLish