Ha ha! Yup. The water cooler talk at work was like that. Still, we all agreed, it was a fun episode of TV to watch.
Ha ha! Yup. The water cooler talk at work was like that. Still, we all agreed, it was a fun episode of TV to watch.
Also Catherine's dance film where naked men are around her and it's somehow about the XL Pipeline. So perfect.
My sides hurt after that one.
She who passes the sentence releases the hounds. I'm okay with that.
I admit, I just read the Martin Cruz Smith novel of that name, so it's been stuck in my head for awhile.
I loved the poetic nature of Ramsay's own dogs being his downfall, but man, it would have been great if there were no hounds, and Sansa opened the door and let Ghost do it, saying "Wolves eat dogs"
Ramsay Bolton, The Greatest Sustainability expert the North has every seen!
I know it seems weird, and I think when everyone comes down off the adrenaline rush, we'll nit pick, but man that is why we fucking watch TV.
Respectfully disagree with both your points. As Cersei points out to Baelish very dramatically, power is based on the ability to compel people to commit violence on your behalf. That requires a certain loyalty to that person.
Yarp we did.
Also a forthcoming collaboration by Vanilla Ice and Bobby Flay. Part album, part cookbook, with proceeds going to fund Flay's next divorce.
Ramsay will claim that when Jon was resurrected, it was at a lower PSI than allowed to wage war in the North. This will then end up in district court.
I know I'm being pedantic, but Madison wrote the Bill of Rights.
I fully believe Thomas Jefferson invented the swivel chair because he was dicking around not writing the Declaration of Independence.
Filling in for the late Andy Rooney this week is The Late Walder Frey
Theon's reward for getting the horn player when he lost Winterfell is still unclaimed!
A Lanistrump always files for Bankruptcy
Well technically Sansa is Cersei's sister-in-law, since Sansa married Tyrion. While that union was not consummated, I don't know if there has been any paperwork done for the annulment.