Archbishop of Krejci

See I don't think it's that. The Faceless Men serve the Many Faced God. If you look in the House of Black and White, you see the symbols of all the other religions (I liked the touch a few weeks ago, of Arya praying in front of the Weirwood Tree, the traditional faith of the Starks) including the Flaming Heart of the

Yeah. I was at first dismayed about the loss of Cleganebowl. But what is hype may never die. But thinking about it, since both The Hound and The Mountain are still around, there will always exist the possibility of Cleganebowl. And in the show it makes some dramatic sense.

Marine 1. Air Force 1 is when the President flys in an aircraft. Marine 1 is the helicopter the President use to travel shorter distances, like Camp David, which is only about 70 miles from DC. Sorry, I am friends with a guy who used to work on Air Force 1 and he is sensitive about it.!



Oh I know, I know. I just have a bad feeling about next week. I don't think it's gonna turn out how we want it to, so a little dragon fire would have helped me feel better about this week.

Good episode but some of the with-holding was annoying. Much like the battles of Season 1 a lot of stuff off screen. At least in the shot of Drogon flying behind Dany, he could have had flames? Please?

Cersei's only move now is to burn KL to the ground. That's what rumor I'm hoping Qyburn was able to confirm, that there are still caches of wildfyre under KL.

The High Sparrow wasn't even in the episode and HE WAS THE WORST. NO CLEGANE BOWL?

I want to live in world where Tyrion is my sommelier.

Something is gonna go down in Mereen. There was a clip of a Son of a Harpy from one of the trailers for the season, over a body.

It seems possible. Remember when Arya was blinded for killing Meryn Trant, Jaqen took poison and "died" in front of Arya and The Waif. Then Jaqen appeared behind Arya (dressed as The Waif).

With safety instructions provided by Men with Hats.

I thought they were sent to Africa with the "Super Bowl Champion" or "World Series Champion" t-shirts for the teams that lost.


As an Archbishop, I always says Protestantism is like jazz. You just make it up as you go along.

Very good points. I think point one is a calculation. Holding Moat Cailin is a high cost, even of a few men, with low reward. Roose knows Cersei is not Tywin, and even with Sansa, the odds of a Lannister army marching north (in winter) would be foolish. Plus, he would have advanced warning of any such march, either

Psych was fun in that it targeted 80's kids. The pop cultural references alone made the show for me.