Archbishop of Krejci

I think because the fact the source material is well over 110 years old at this point, and the fact that it is well known there will be a Season 3 of Sherlock, to save the "reveal" that Sherlock is not dead for Season 3 would have insulted the viewer/reader.

I think because the fact the source material is well over 110 years old at this point, and the fact that it is well known there will be a Season 3 of Sherlock, to save the "reveal" that Sherlock is not dead for Season 3 would have insulted the viewer/reader.

Mr. F.

Mr. F.

Just a minor quibble. Watson's post war trauma was he wasn't adjusting back to civilian life because life was boring. The war made Watson a thrill junkie as Holmes point out. When the shit hits the fan, Watson is the cool hand.

Just a minor quibble. Watson's post war trauma was he wasn't adjusting back to civilian life because life was boring. The war made Watson a thrill junkie as Holmes point out. When the shit hits the fan, Watson is the cool hand.

For Holmes being at the cemetery, watching the Watson Hudson scene, I think it was more a storytelling device. (And he did appear to be inside a building rather out in the ope). The audience for the most part knows that Sherlock is not dead. (Both from Canon and of course the fact that there is a 3rd series of

For Holmes being at the cemetery, watching the Watson Hudson scene, I think it was more a storytelling device. (And he did appear to be inside a building rather out in the ope). The audience for the most part knows that Sherlock is not dead. (Both from Canon and of course the fact that there is a 3rd series of

In The Last Bow, Holmes is used by the British to root out a spy pre WWI. And in The Empty House, Holmes explains that during his three year absence he was travelling the world, to avoid Moriarty's henchmen, and was supported by Mycroft. Holmes fans, have often theorized that in the Holmes "universe" that Holmes world

In The Last Bow, Holmes is used by the British to root out a spy pre WWI. And in The Empty House, Holmes explains that during his three year absence he was travelling the world, to avoid Moriarty's henchmen, and was supported by Mycroft. Holmes fans, have often theorized that in the Holmes "universe" that Holmes world

Be careful what you shoot at, Michael. Some corrupt police captains in here don't react too well to bullets.

The problem with taking on this particular story is that it is so well known and so revered within the Holmes Canon, that putting a "new" mystery within the framework of the story is nearly impossible.

We all know the only festival was the US Festival.

They should just take the money and invest it into diesel powered nuns

This only works if they exhume Molly Brown, and place her coffin on top of the boat, so when Titanic II sinks, it will float away free like Queeqegs, saving a young woman who had a tryst with a lower class man in steerage and marrying a popular cultural titan with the two biggest ocean going metaphors in cultural

Fernsehurm, here.

Yup. Like the opening credits to the series "Branded". Begin the thawing of Chuck Conners.

Actually, she married Jackson Smith, son of Patti and the late Fred "Sonic" Smith. So you know her long monotonous drum beat is being accompanied by some kick ass bass, and Rimbaud-esque poetry and crullers. I imagine there will be crullers.

Burke just signed Carla to a five year, $27.5 million deal based on her truculence.

Didn't know "blatherskites"? The generation that grew up watching Darkwing Duck are all over that word like Norm and his stool.