Archbishop of Krejci

I could never get through an episode of the Sopranos without being extremely hungry.

No one did decadence like Guns N Roses.

I think "George's maid" was a call back to the "Red Dot" where he slept with the cleaning lady at Pendant.

Sorry, none of these stories beats the AV Club reader who upon seeing the actor who played Dr. Beardface on Scrubs in "Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" and exclaimed "It's Dr. Beardface!" only to have someone in the darkened theater yell back "It's Beard Fuh-say, dammit!"

I give this post seven thumbs up.

I remember reading that in February, which is what lead me to watching the Fontana version. While I disagree with some of Todd's conclusions in the review, he is spot on with the differing focus.

Has anyone watched the Tom Fontana version of The Borgia's that was a German/French production that is available on Netflix? After watching that series, I find this version of the Borgias to be like reading Wikipedia. Jeremy Irons is fantastic and I like Arnaud's Cesare, but everyone else in the Fontana version blows

Should have asked him if he knew where Whitey had been.

As long as someone is watching the Cartoon Network turning into the news, I'm on board with this project.

I see what (penis) you did there.

Adding another voice regarding the omission of Twelve. Though, I'd nominate Land or Birdland as her best songs.

Chicken Kiev

Due to the unseasonably warm weather in New England this year, Keith was able to get the storm windows in early, leaving him some open space in his schedule.

And wasn't that because Andy Dick killed Phil Hartman? (Well, by introducing Hartman's wife to the drugs that fueled the murder suicide?)

The minimization of recess is one of the true failures of the American education system. Kids need to play and kids need to have unstructured time. As the Duke of Wellington said "The Battle of Waterloo was won on the playing fields of Eton."

How do you like those egg rolls, Lord Grantham?

I feel the same way about "Rude Boy"

Dave Marsh and ignorant assumptions. Unless it's someway for him to make money off of Springsteen, then you've hit the nail on the head.

For this article to be read in Walmarts, the word "rape" has been replaced with the word "waif". Nevermind.

Unico! I had nightmares about that movie.