Archbishop of Krejci

My friend likes to joke that if you were total up all the money people have made off of being affiliated with Bruce Springsteen, David Marsh ranks 8th on the list. That is probably not accurate when you figure in Columbia Records, Management and the ESB itself, (plus Julianne Philips), but the point is valid. Marsh's

I think everyone knows and understands Bruce's wealth at this point. But he earned his wealth as a story teller and entertainer, neither of which are invalidated by the wealth he has accumulated by telling stories and entertaining. Trent Reznor is clean and has been for years, but still writes the same songs about

Nickelback = the full refund from the hooker

Yeah. Bruce's songs have never been overly macho, and he never really projected an image of ideal masculinity, even during the "juiced Bruce" phase around BitUSA when he added muscle. But then that was the 80's and everyone was on steriods.

I'm sorry, I think you spelled "Bono" wrong.

YES! YES! YES, A THOUSAND EXULTATIONS OF YES! … I've long despised Brendan O'Brien's production of Bruce. The production on Magic and Working on Dream necessitated going to an ENT to get the crap scraped out of my ears. This is what it sounds like when doves cry.

What cracks me up about Jay Landsman, is that the actor who played Lt. Mello, Bunny's second in command is the REAL Jay Landsman.

Ah, but that's a Fox News graphic! Those are as trustworthy as Clay Davis with $20,000 in small unmarked bills!

The bosses were cunty, but the brilliance of The Wire is that they were humanized cunts. When Rawls talked with McNulty after Greggs shooting, or Burrell's talk with Daniels before the switchover to power, there was a human aspect to them. Sure they were assholes, but that's how and why they got the jobs they were in,

Shouldn't he be smokin Newpohts?

Romney's favorite character would be which ever one gets him the most votes.  And when confronted about his shifting position he would deftly tell us "Hey, I was the guy who owned all three the BMW's Ziggy stole."

Sherry, Hapless Flunky?

Point of Order! As a model UN nerd back in high school, I had three thoughts coursing through my mind during this episode: The Model UN rule against nationalistic displays, the Simpson's model UN episode (I was praying Finland would be involved just so someone could do the dance) and "What were they smoking when they

I've watched both Borgia's, the Showtime version first, and then Fontana's on Netflix. Showtime's Borgia felt more like a vehicle for Jeremy Irons to do Jeremy Irons caliber acting over "The Borgias as told by Wikipedia and Mario Puzo" script. (The Showtime Borgias makes no bones in  pointing out that Puzo used the

So if Lord Grantham had gone through with rogering the maid, while Cora lay in bed dying of the flu, would that have made him Newt Gingrich or John Edwards? You make the call.

This episode gets a failing grade from me, because it felt too engineered to take out one of the best designers to give the series more drama. If there was wagering on PR, the top three contenders going in were probably Mondo, Rami, and Austin, all of whom could have (and in at least one case should have) won their

As a hockey fan, I find it comic that Sean Avery is judging the "sloppy seconds" of previous Project Runway seasons. Well done.

If you were to rank all the designers who have appeared on every season of PR, Rami is probably in the top 5 in terms of most talented.

What is wrong with a little suspension of disbelief? We rationally all understand that Miss Piggy is not a real living entity. But that does not negate the constraints of the challenge, since as a character she has a well known personality, outrageous Diva, with a Frog fetish. Don't view it as "designing for a puppet"

If Kors were there, I bet he would have said "Baconatrix" which is what Austin's dress resembled in construction. Color wise of course it was Piggy palatable, but make that thing in black, and Piggy and Kermit would need a safety word. (Wakawaka?)