
I never have been able to spot when that happens. When? WHEN? And a follow-up: why the hell haven't I been able to see it when I was looking for it?

Agreed. This show irritates and/or bores me more than I usually would put up with, but Van Alden is my favorite character and I'm always interested in whatever mess he's gotten himself into this week. Not sure if Michael Shannon has some kind of acting superpower, but he always engages me.


You neglected to mention that STUNT ROCK, the movie with maybe the greatest trailer of all time (http://www.youtube.com/watc…, is playing on TCM Underground tonight at 2:00 a.m. Eastern.

I love Robert Forster. He's awesome in everything, even distinctly not-awesome movies. I've met him briefly a couple of times, and he is the nicest guy in the world, so he has that going for him too. He should write his autobiography - he's amassed a lot of great stories throughout his career.

I remember reading she also had done some things like show up with random tattoos (like a rosary around her hand and wrist) that made no sense for the character and required extensive makeup to cover. That's right up there on the "stupidest things actors can do to sabotage themselves" list. And since her baby was due

Yes, of course! Thanks.

Yeah, they verify it in the Angel series finale (MINOR SPOILERS) when Spike goes to the open-mic poetry night and performs a poem called, "The Wanton Folly of Me Mum." I think there's another reference to it in Angel's 5th season too.

Psycho II is a lot of fun. It's basically a movie about a bunch of assholes who pester and berate a recently released mental patient until he finally snaps and understandably kills them all, and you totally root for Norman Bates the whole time. Good performance from Perkins too.

Another girl checking in who loved this movie. I watched it after my sister, who isn't usually a big genre fan, highly recommended it, and I actually got the DVD from another female friend. Some of y'all need to start looking for awesomer lady-friends, because we exist in droves. I loved Hot Fuzz too.

The International Space Station also is still a thing. A good friend of mine is a computer programmer for the ISS, but he's based in Houston and not space.

I didn't realize you live near my mom.

My dad was really into this show when it was on. I'm not sure how to interpret that now.

Between this and the many disparaging references to "secretary rock," I'm starting to think the A.V. Club has a deep-seated hatred of secretaries. I mean, what a bunch of worthless douchebags, always answering phones and writing memos and scheduling appointments and pretty much keeping the world from spinning off its

Hell, if that's what they like, they would LOVE the entirety of Houston.

I've enjoyed the write-ups too, and I hope they will resume next summer. H:LOTS was one of my very favorite shows back in the day, and it deserves revisiting.

The only way this show should even exist is if it were a sting operation to locate irredeemable parents (i.e. all parents who would subject their child to pageant life) and have them summarily executed on camera. Then take the kids and send them to a nice farm somewhere with lots of sunshine and playtime and books to

Those damn Looney Tunes shirts were ubiquitous at that time. If you just said "shirt," I think most 1992 people would assume you meant one with the Tasmanian Devil on it.

I never really thought about it before, and I don't know if it's always funny, but it's often funny, and not dependent on the relative hotness of the man removing his shirt. I think it depends more 0n the man's level of enthusiasm and/or embarrassment.

Before they found out about his hobbies, people thought Ted Bundy had a bright career in politics. He was charming, articulate, and good-looking. He was good at PR stuff too, which you can see in some of his jailhouse interviews. The BTK killer was a family man and a well-liked deacon at his church. Not all monsters